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How do you have sex with a car???
February 13th, 2012 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 6 ]

A lot of us have had sex in a car, but how many of you have had sex with one?
Well yesterday on My Strange Addiction a 27 year old man named Nathaniel admitted he loves his car Chase. When I say he loves his car, I mean he loves loves his car. As in he has sex with him. That’s right even though Chase has had girlfriends his car is a he, so that make him bi-I-don’t-even-know-what-the-hell-he-would-be.
Now back to the sex, how? Women at least have the gear to sit on, but men only have the exhaust pipe. Oh wait maybe he can put it between the seats on those cars that have the separation seats? Seriously where does he put it? I just can’t even imagine. Unless he pretends he is like a huge pen!s moving around in a vajayjay. OK I have to stop because I just don’t even want to picture it anymore.
But I will say it gives a whole new meaning to auto-erotic.

UPDATE: I forgot about the cigarette lighter. But you have to make sure the car is off when you do that because it gives new meaning to come on baby light my fire… Well that and you have to have the lack of girth to fit in that little hole.


The Virgin Diaries couple’s first kiss gets wetter and weirder!
December 2nd, 2011 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

The kiss that was watched around the world this week was between a virgin couple who never kissed until after they said I do. Well now TLC is letting us get to know them a little more intimately before Sunday and I now know I will be watching Virgin Diaries when it debuts. It is like a massive car wreck, you don’t want to look but you just can’t look away.
Plus I can’t wait to see what other fun the producers of the show had with editing the special. I love what they did when she said they will have sex. Right afterwards they show her on a see saw hitting the ground, saying “ow, that hurt!” So wrong, but so funny.
I don’t know what I will learn from The Learning Channel special, but I am excited for the lesson!


If ever a show needed to get a room, it’s Virgin Diaries!
November 28th, 2011 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

After watching those two virgin couples kiss on their wedding day on The Virgin Diaries it makes me so happy I will not be one on the day I get married. Seriously those kisses are so raunchy, they are better suited for Skinemax than they are for TLC.
Seriously they were so going at it, that I feel bad for the bride who will be lucky if her new husband can make it to the Bam in Wham, Bam, Thank You Mam!
Although I do have to thank TLC for helping me get rid of those few extra pounds I gained during Thanksgiving because they came up right after watching those promos.
xoxo Michael!


What happens to those Lil’ Misses from Toddlers & Tiaras?
September 28th, 2011 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder what happens to this obnoxious little brats on Toddlers & Tiaras like do they grow up to be the prostitutes that their mothers dress them up to be when they compete in the pageants? Well Funny or Die got the story of one those Little Misses and turns out that they still compete even when they are old enough to rent a car without their stage moms. Sad, but true.
BTW I think it was perfect casting for Leah Remini to play Ashley Tisdale’s mom because not does she look like her, but she is old enough for the role!!!


The celebrity wedding no one cares about is going to be televised
June 21st, 2011 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Vanessa Minnillo/Nick Lachey. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Seriously does any one give a sh!t that the boring Vanessa Minnillo and Nick Lachey are getting married? Well for some reason TLC thinks we do because they are going to air their wedding as special. The network that had a major jump in ratings when they were one of the many stations airing the Royal Wedding, thinks that airing America’s Dullest Celebrity Couple will do the same. What is going through their minds because even Jessica Simpson could care less about their big day.
I just don’t get it. They both don’t have any personality, to me they are like wet noodles. I am sure there nuptials will be nice, but so what. I can watch My Best Friend’s Wedding or Wedding Crashers if I need a fix instead.
It is like TLC asked every celebrity who is getting married if they could televise their nuptials and they are the ones who said yes.
So will you watch the couple say I do when TLC airs them a few weeks after the big day?


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