Would you donate a testicle for $35,000? |
November 4th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Uncategorized. [ Comments: 1 ]
Mark Parasi is such an Extreme Cheapskate that he is willing to risk his own life for a few bucks? To save some money, he participates in clinical trials. One of them was for Ebola and he is proud that he did it for $5,000. That’s right he played with life for a measly $5K.
But it doesn’t stop there, he is excited to be part of a future study that will pay him $35,000 for a testicle. I don’t know many men would give their right (or left) nut for anything less than 7 digits and even then they would have to think about it.
So men I ask you, would you donate a testicle for a mere $35,000?
To find out what else Mark Parasi did in the name of centience (science), check out Extreme Cheapskates this Wednesday at 9p. I don’t know if I have the balls to watch it.
Honey Boo Boo Kardashian! |
October 31st, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo. [ Comments: none ]

Honey Boo Boo and her family dressed up as another famous one…The Kardashians! If that is not the most brilliant FU, I don’t know what it is.
The Halloween episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo will air on January 16th on TLC!
Would you share dental floss to save a few cents? |
October 21st, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 1 ]
Karissa and Rick Parran are such Extreme Cheapskates that they share a 2 minute shower to save money. But that isn’t the only thing they share in the bathroom. Rick uses his wife’s leftover suds to wash his hair. They even share razors, first Karissa shaves her pits and then her husband uses it to shave his face. After two minutes, the timer goes off and now it is time to do stuff you can’t do in the bath. They each share a Q-Tip, she gets one side and he gets another. They also use the same deodorant, they each get one swipe per pit. Now it gets really gross, they are so cheap they share a toothbrush. But it doesn’t stop there because they also share the same string of dental floss.
There is cheap and then there is cccchhhhhheeeeeaaaaaappppp. I get saving a few pennies here and there, but that is just gross. I would rather spend a few extra bucks and enjoy my long shower as I shave my legs with my razor, use both sides of my Q-Tip, swipe my pits as many times as I want, use my own toothbrush and throw out my floss when I am done with it. Plus I don’t think I have ever taken a two minute shower because I love them too much.
But if you prefer to save a few bucks like the Parrans, then you can watch families just like them every Wednesday at 9p on TLC starting October 30th.
Cheer Perfection teaches us that urine is the perfect for soothing a burn |
September 23rd, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
On Wednesday night at 9p we are reminded that TLC stands for The Learning Channel, thanks to their show Cheer Perfection.
When one of the moms burns her neck with a straitening iron, the other mom offers to pee on the wound like what you would do for a jellyfish sting. Of course the injured mother says no, but because she is in so much pain she eventually agrees to let her do it. No, the other mom doesn’t do what Nicole Kidman did to Zac Efron in that horrible movie, instead she goes to the bathroom and pees in a cup. After she fills it up, she puts some of the urine on a towel and dabs the woman’s burn. And guess what, it freaking worked. So the next time you burn yourself and you need a quick fix. Forget the tea tree oil, ice or an ointment, just use your own pee. It’s free and readily available whenever you need it.
Discovery’s 9/11 Firehouse will leave you feeling like you felt on September 11, 2001 |
September 11th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
I am begging everyone who has the Discovery Channel to watch and record 9/11 Firehouse at 8p tonight.
Ten House is located next to what used to be to the World Trade Center. On September 11, 2001, their quiet house was rocked by two planes hitting the buildings they were ordered to protect. They prepped their whole careers for the big one and they were hoping that day would never come. As we know it came and this is the story of 6 of the remaining 12 members who were on the clock that fateful day.
We will hear how their day started off normally and then took a tragic turn. They will explain what it was like being the first responders to arrive at the North Tower and what they saw and witnessed as they got there. Then they will tell you all they did to try to save as many live as possible and the sacrifices they had to make to accomplish that. Sadly they would reach a point of no return when the South Tower came down, some got out, some were trapped under the debris and some were in the North Tower. Then a mayday was called out for the structure that was still standing, but members of Ten House were too high up to get out. So when that building came down, they went down with it.
Both buildings were now rubble and the firemen of Ten House are scattered all over the area like the ashes of the building. Slowly they will make there way home and find their brothers. But those reunions did not last long because they went back to work trying to rescue anyone that they could as their firehouse turned into a makeshift morgue.
Today their firehouse is still active and it is reminder of what happened that day and it is also a beacon of hope that we will go on and not let the terrorists win.
Not only do we hear their stories from that awful day, we relive it with video and pictures. Their soundbites are covered with the images that have haunted us for the last 12 years.
I sit here writing this numb and speechless. The same feeling I felt as I tried to my friends and family 12 years ago and couldn’t get a hold of them. It is the nervousness I felt as my parents were in The Bronx and I was in LA, too far to do anything to help them and not knowing if they were in danger. It is the shock I felt when days afterwards I heard a kid I went to school with died that day, just days before his son was born, a son he never met.
It is a feeling we have to be reminded of every now and again. We can say “Never Forget”, but we have forgotten what that pain felt like on that day. We need to be reminded of it, so we will make sure we never ever feel it again.
So please watch it as a family and make sure everyone you loved ones remember and know what that horrifying day felt like. Never forget and always remember.
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