My Strange Addiction is back with some more strange addictions tonight! |
January 1st, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
My Strange Addiction is back on TLC tonight and you don’t want to miss the first three episodes for season 5.
At 9p, MSA follows the lives of three living dolls. Justin has spent over $150,000 to look like a Ken doll and he is not done. With all the procedures, some that have not gone correctly, he still wants more. Something that his mother wishes he would reconsider, so will he?
Then there is Emily, who is a naturally pretty girl, but she feels prettier and more confident when she is dressed up as a doll. She doesn’t like the way she looks without the wig and makeup, so she dresses up as Luna as much as possible. This is something her stepmom tries to discourage her from, but she refuses to listen. Will going out on job interviews dressed as a doll be the wake up call she needs to be herself?
Finally there is teenager Venus, who spends 24 hours a day, dressed as a doll. She has gotten some fame from YouTube videos and even has a following. Tonight she will try for a job as doll model in Japan, her dream job. Does she look enough like a doll to get the job?
Then at 10p, Nicole dresses up as a pony and goes galloping around as though she was one. She says doing so is like the same feeling a fly feels towards crap. You just have to see her story to understand it all.
Also featured in this episode is Heather, a single mom of 2, who drinks a paint marker a day. She has no intentions of stopping; but when a doctor tells her it can kill her, will she finally stop? It is an emotional journey for her and us the viewer.
At 10:30p, Jennifer also likes to eat something toxic, mattress filling. She tells her family that even if a doctor tells her it can kill her, she won’t stop. So what will she do when a doctor gives her a deadly diagnosis?
Finally there is Amy and Becky, who are twins who do everything and I do mean everything together. When one of their friends dares them to spend 24 hours apart, how will they handle it?
So tune into My Strange addiction tonight for 7 people who don’t see their addictions as strange. And starting next week- tune in every Wednesday at 10p for even more strange addictions.
Outrageous 911 is outrageous fun! |
December 14th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
We have all seen the news stories of people calling 911 for the craziest things and tonight at 10p on TLC you will watch as some of the most outrageous calls are reenacted on Outrageous 911. Just when you think people cannot be so stupid to call 911 to tell them that they are driving drunk, you will see a woman do exactly that. You will hear a 4 year old call the police on his grandmother because he isn’t getting his way. Then there is the guy who stuck his, you know, in the pool pump and it got stuck. You have to feel for the poor actor in that dramatization.
These are just a few of the examples of the Outrageous 911 calls you will hear tonight and on December 28th, and you don’t want to miss a single call.
You’ll sincerely be surprised how many criminals call 911 on themselves. I must add that not all of the calls are outrageous because they are so crazy, they are outrageous because of what happens when the operator gets the call. There are also calls where a toddler saves the day or a woman who didn’t know she was pregnant gives birth. Outrageous 911 is unlike anything on television and because of that you don’t want to miss this 2 part special.
Dear Readers, Watch and enjoy Letters to Jackie tonight! |
November 17th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]
On the day, that President John F Kennedy was shot and for months afterwards, over 800,000 people sent letters to his widow Jackie. Tonight at 9p on TLC you will get to hear a few of them read on Letters to Jackie: Remembering President Kennedy. As you listen to their feelings, it will help to ease your pain as we approach the 50th anniversary of his death. The emotions that they shared makes you wonder if we will ever have anyone as loved as him again. He was a President for the people and it is the people that were there for his wife after his untimely death. So sit back tonight and enjoy their heartfelt letters read by Betty White and Allison Janey to name a few. Then when you are done watching the two hour special, that not only includes the letter but also home videos, take a piece of paper and a pen to write a letter to someone you love. Just like they did it in 1963.
Steve Harvey’s shock and awe interveiwing Honey Boo Boo’s family! |
November 6th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
On Friday, Honey Boo Boo and her family are going to be on Steve Harvey‘s talk show and his face says it all. While Mama June was talking about Pumpkin’s dating habits, Anna raised her hand to let everyone know she was going to fart and then she did. After we heard that familiar sound, her younger sister, Chubbs, decided to let the host know that she was farting the whole time they were filming the Family Feud episode that is going to air this Monday. As all of this was going on, Honey Boo Boo and Pumpkin were on their best behavior unlike their older sisters and their dad, Sugar Bear, held his head down in shame.
So after watching this short little preview from Harvey’s talk show, you can see why he said on recent conference call that they left him speechless. While they leave him with his mouth wide open, they leave me with a huge smile on my face.
I can’t wait to watch them on his show this Friday and Family Feud on Monday.
Honey Boo Boo and her family left Steve Harvey speechless! |
November 5th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]
Honey Boo Boo and her whole family are going to take the Cake Boss family this Monday on the Family Feud and you are not going to want to miss this epic episode. It was such a stand out show that it really left an impression on Steve Harvey. Recently I was on a conference call with the host and he told us what it was like to have them on the popular game show. When asked what his favorite moment of the new season was, he said “I can’t say that it’s one of my favorite moments, but I’ll say one of my most alarming moments of the new coming season was we did one celebrity show with Honey Boo Boo’s family on there, and God have mercy.” Then he added, “No, I just did not know. I did not know that there were people really like that. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. I hadn’t met any, especially on TV, so Honey Boo Boo’s family was alarming.”
They really got to him because he shared with us, “I mean it had me off balance the whole day, because I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know. Very, very rarely am I speechless, but they had me couple of times going Wow. Wow, man. These people right here, they’re different. They are truly, truly different.” So it must be one of the most amazing episodes of the game show’s decades long run if it left him speechless because nothing ever silences him. He always has a witty comeback, but it looks like he finally met the 6 people who left him dumbfounded.
So to see the one of kind episode, check your local listings to see when Family Feud airs in your city on Monday.
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