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A man will be Eaten Alive by a snake on Discovery
November 5th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 2 ]
via Inside TV
On December 7th, Paul Rosolie will be Eaten Alive by an anaconda during Discovery’s Mega Week. He will wear a “custom-built snake-proof suit” covered in pig’s blood so that he can enter the belly of the beast. While the promos are all about him getting into the reptile, nothing says how and if he will get out. Now that is what I more interested in.
That and when did Discovery turn into Syfy? This seems more right about their alley, don’t you agree?


There goes Honey Boo Boo
October 24th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo. [ Comments: none ]

TLC announced today that they have cancelled Here Comes Honey Boo Boo effective immediately, just days after it was rumored that Mama June is dating a man who went to jail for molesting one of her family members. Something Mama June denied on her Facebook. She also confirmed that she’s not dating him in the above video message where she also thanked her family’s fans.
Her sincere words breaks my heart that the show was cancelled because you can tell that they loved doing it as much as we enjoyed watching it. But I know they will be fine because she was responsible with the money they earned from the show.

UPDATE: The man, who Mama June is reportedly dating, went to jail for forcing her oldest daughter to give him oral sex when she was just 8 years old according to TMZ. I have lost all respect for her for even talking to him. He ruined your child, you’d think she want him dead not as a friend or something more.


If Mama June and Sugar Bear can’t make it…
September 19th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo. [ Comments: none ]

Today is a sad day for love because Mama June and Sugar Bear have split. According to TMZ Mama June thinks that Sugar Bear has been cheating on her because she found his online profile on several dating sites.
The mother of 5 will reportedly take the children and move closer to her family. What this all means for Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, only a new season will tell.
Honey Boo Boo’s parents released a statement saying that are they are taking it day by day, so hopefully there’s a chance they will reconcile. If they do, then all will once again be right in the world of love.


Hear the one about a Democrat & Republican left stranded on an Island?
September 11th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Discovery might have just created the greatest reality show that has ever happened to television. They are sending two US Senators to an Island and leaving them there. What’s the big deal about that? Sen. Jeff Flake is a Conservative Republican from Arizona and Sen. Martin Heinrich is a Liberal from his neighboring state New Mexico. Anyone who has lived in the US for the last decade knows that these two parties don’t get along and are fighting all the time. Instead of voting for the people, they are voting for their beliefs and that is really hurting the country.
OK, I will move on from my distaste of politics and marvel the concept of Rival Survival. Although, I am not sure one or both of them will survive the Island. It will kind of be like Lost again where none of them survived, or did they?
OK, I will move on from my distaste of Lost. Discovery is stranding a Republican and Democrat on an Island. For six days and six nights they will have to put their differences aside if they want to survive the week. Can they do it? Will they learn to compromise? Will they make it to six days or will one of the abort the mission? (See what I did there?)
We will have to tune in on October 29th to find out and to watch the most ingenious reality show concept ever.
And if it works, I say send all of them over there until they find a common ground and let’s get the three Branches of our Government back on track and make them one beautiful tree. And let’s hope that they don’t bill the American people for their free vacation on Island. Which you know they will because that is just how they work.
Seriously, my hat is off to Discovery because this is the most brilliant thing to happen to television, since, I don’t know when.
Finally, I wonder if C-SPAN will air the live feed of their journey? How hot would that be? Hotter than the tension between these two men on day one!


Ghost Asylum is crazy good!
September 7th, 2014 under Destination America, DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Tennessee Wraith Chasers investigate asylums, sanitariums and mental hospitals to see if any of the past patients and employees are still there haunting the place. Tonight at 10p on Destination America’s Ghost Asylum, you will see their first televised case and you would be insane to miss it.
Tonight they go to Old War Memorial Hospital in Scottsville, Kentucky, a place that housed the clinically insane and dead bodies before they were finally shut down. The mix of those entities and a doctor who fought his firing all the way to the top courts is enough to give any the heebie jeebies; but not the men of TWC.
They go in during the day to survey the place before the investigation. Then they go back at night to see if there is any activity going on. When they are done for the night, they study what they found so that they can prepare for their second night there. This time they go back more prepared to make contact with the spirits. Not only to find out what is going on there, but also to help them to move on.
What I like about this show, is they don’t go over the top to contact the dead. They use their methods and don’t fake it. I hate when paranormal shows fake their outcomes because it is so obvious. I also hate when investigators antagonize the spirits. TWC does not do that, they try to lure them out but they are not mean and stupid about it. I respect their methods because they don’t overdo it like so many other shows like theirs do.
You might say that TWC is crazy to investigate these places, but I say what better place to do it if you are crazy like them!


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