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This Morning gave Holly Willoughby she liked
June 15th, 2021 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Phillip Schofield gave Holly Willoughby a creepy doll that gave her nightmares. This morning on This Morning, they gave her a present that will give her sweet dreams.

What is it? She got to interview three of The Dreamboys. One of the members from the all-male revue was in the studio, and he decided to take his shirt off. As soon as he did, Willoughby forgot all about that doll. So did I.

I think it would be a dream if they could cross the pond and do their show here. We sent them Magic Mike, so this would only be fair. Am I right?


The creepy gift Phillip Schofield gave Holly Willoughby
June 15th, 2021 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

This morning on This Morning, Phillip Schofield thought he did something nice by giving his co-anchor Holly Willoughby a present. However, as soon as she saw the gift, she could not get away from it fast enough.

How come? It is a creepy doll that is giving Annabelle a run for her money. To make matters worse for her, he even named the scary thing after her. Oh, and did I mention that Schofield said, “This has been part of this building for many years. It is allegedly, absolutely, rabid with spirits and ghosts.”

The two of them are not going to be sleeping tonight. Willoughby because she will have nightmares of that doll, while the gift giver will be up night fearing how she will get her revenge on him. She better get him good because that was an evil thing to do. Literally and figuratively.

What you do if someone gave you something like that?


Dogs on live TV can be a real pisser
May 28th, 2021 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

Dr. Scott Miller was on This Morning this morning to talk about First Aid for Pets. He brought along several stuffed animals and a dog who was stuffed with water. What when the latter happens? Skully had to pee, so she did it right there on the carpet on live television.

And that is why animals and toddlers make the best guests for the viewing audience and the worst ones for the people in the studio.


Would you drink horse milk?
March 16th, 2021 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

We have heard of cow milk, goat milk, milk made from nuts, soy milk, oat milk, and now there is horse milk. That’s right, horse milk.

Today on This Morning, they spoke to a man who milks his mares to make the white gold. Sorry, the white gold comes from a champion horse.

Anyways, they sent Josie Gibson to his barn, and she got to put the thingy on the horse’s thingies. Since I grew up and lived in cities all my life, I don’t know what any of that is called.

Surprisingly the mare didn’t mind. The same can’t be said about the anchors, Holly Willoughby
and Phillip Schofield. His face as Gibson was doing it was awesome.

However, not as awesome as his reaction to her drinking it. What does it taste like? She says it is like sweeter coconut milk.

Knowing that, are you willing you to try it? I am waiting to hear from my neighbor, who works with horses, to hear what she thinks before I would never let that stuff get anywhere near me until then.

If she doesn’t get back to me, then I will have to wait to hear what Holly and Phillip think of it. They are going to get samples today. I so hope they record his reaction because I am sure it will be udderly priceless.


Would Dolly Parton run for President of the United States?
December 8th, 2020 under Dolly Parton, This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

Dolly Parton sat down with This Morning’s Alison Hammond, and it was another delightfully fun interview that we always get from both ladies no matter who they talk to.

Hammond played a game asking her guest if Dolly would or wouldn’t do something. The first question was, would Miss Dolly ride a roller coaster? “Dolly wouldn’t,” the amusement park owner boldly stated. “I have too much to lose, like my hair, like my boobs might fall out.” So does she ride the rides at Dollywood? Nope, and her staff laugh at her about that.

Would the American treasure run for the toughest job in the US? “Dolly wouldn’t run for President,” she exclaimed. “We have had enough boobs in the White House here.” Ain’t no denying that, especially since she has not been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by any of the past boobs.

Talking about boobs, the country singer revealed which of her goddaughter’s songs she would sing. She said she would like to sing her version of Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball. That should be fun since Parton has two wrecking balls in her sweater!

Better yet, I would love to see the music video where Dolly comes in on a wrecking ball as Miley did in her video for the catchy tune. How awesome would that be to see?


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