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The man with Britain’s biggest penis says its not all good
April 24th, 2024 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

You would think that having a penis that is over 12″ erect would be a dream come true for its beholder, but Matt Barr told Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard on This Morning this morning that it is hard to live with.

The media makes it seem like the bigger, the better. But when it is the biggest or twice the average size, not all women want it. They actually get scared because it is not like it is in porn.

On that note, Barr has barred being a porn star from his life because that is not what he wants to do. But he has had offers.

While he has said no to porn, a yoga studio said no to him because they thought he was aroused as compared to being flaccid.

So, how does he hide the trouser python? He says just like Drag Queens, there is a lot of tucking.

This way, the shy guy can seem like all the other men. Something he has wanted, even when he was in school and his mates saw that he was not built like them. He made them feel small, as they were doing the same to him.

Would he get a penis reduction to make his appendage that goes down to his knees shorter? He would if it wasn’t so expensive.

Maybe he will be able to afford it once he gets the money from the sales of his upcoming book A Long Story: Life With One Of The World’s Largest Penises.

I don’t read and want to read it cover to cover.


Holly Willoughby dropped the F-bomb on Dancing on Ice
January 29th, 2024 under Celeb Oops, This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

Holly Willoughby was announcing the next contestants competing on ITV’s Dancing on Ice when she said a not-so-nice word.

The contestants were about to dance as Beetlejuice characters, so she said they were in for the fright of their lives.

As she was saying that, her co-host, Stephen Mulhern, decided to scare her. As most people would do in that situation, she jumped and said, “Fucker.”

Well, the viewers were not happy that she said the F-bomb and complained. I don’t know why because they would’ve all done the same thing.

Kids hear worse from their parents. So the fuckers need to get over it.


Holly Willoughby leaves This Morning
October 10th, 2023 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

Late last week, a man was arrested for allegedly hiring someone to kidnap and kill This Morning’s Holly Willoughby. And ever since then, she has been on a break from the series.

Today, the host announced that she has decided to leave the talk show permanently.

I’ve let ITV know today that after 14 years, I will not be returning to This Morning.

To everyone who has ever worked on the show over the years, thank you so so much. This is such a difficult goodbye, you are incredible and I forever will be proud of what we’ve done together. Thank you to everyone at ITV for being supportive. To every guest who has sat on our sofa, thank you.

Most of all, thank you to the wonderful viewers. You’ve been so loyal, so supportive and the very best company every day.

Richard and Judy said ‘we only look after this show, it will always belong to the viewers’. It’s been an honour to just be part of its story and I know this story has many chapters left to go. Sadly, however, I now feel I have to make this decision for me and my family.

I will miss you all so much.


I am praying that she gets through this difficult scary time.

This has been a tough year on This Morning. Phillip Schofield, her co-anchor, was forced to leave the show in May when it was revealed that he had a secret affair with a much younger employee on the show.


#ThisMorning’s anchors get the giggle talking to Hollywood’s Prostethic King
May 16th, 2022 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

This morning on This Morning, Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield interviewed Matthew Mungle, who has been giving Hollywood actors a helping hand down there.

Who is he? Is he a fluffer? Nope, he has an even better job. He is one of the leading prosthetic makers in Hollywood, and recently his business has expanded to below the belt. He is the man that made a fake dick for Chris Hemsworth in Vacation and a fake scrotum for Will Ferrell in Stepbrothers.

However, Mungle has done several more, and the anchors had so many questions for him. Like, what does he need from the makeup department to make the male enhancing prosthetic? He has to ask for the size, the girth, and he never forgets about the balls. Unlike us women sometimes.

At that moment, Holly and Phillip started giggling, and Mungle kept a straight face. I guess when you are making franks and beans for a living, nothing about the male anatomy can turn you into a kid as it did us as we watched.

It wasn’t all funny; he got serious when he explained why some productions do it. It makes men feel comfortable when they are doing a nude scene. It is like a Merkin for women. You think you are seeing them naked, but you aren’t.

We know that Ferrell kept his boys, but what about Hemsworth? Mungle said, “Production gave it to him in a shadow box. And he put it on his mantlepiece with his Thor hammer. So he got both hammers together.”

What more could they ask the creative artist? Holly needed to know if they are expensive? Mungle says stock molds go for $850-$1,000, and the ones made from scratch cost $1,400-$2,500. I will stick to buying a penis silicone maker for my men of the month for less than $50. Although, extensions would help some of them.

If you want to see more of Mungle’s work, then check out his website W.M. Creations, Inc.


A spider spun its way into our hearts on This Morning
April 21st, 2022 under This Morning. [ Comments: none ]

You have to love live television because you never know what is going to happen. This Morning on This Morning, a spider crawled its way onto the set, and it made its international television debut.

The eight-legged monster was minding its own business, but Holly Willoughby was terrified of it like it was the villain in a Spider-Man movie. Therefore, she asked someone to trap and release the bug.

At first, they were unsuccessful. But then they trapped the “ginormous” insect under a glass. And the show was able to go on.

Am I the only one upset that they didn’t have a Benny Hill moment where it kept getting away from his captures? Now that would’ve been hilarious, especially if they played the Benny Hill theme music as they tried to capture him.

Such a missed opportunity. Can we get a new spider tomorrow? And preferably one from Australia. Then Willoughby will really be jumping out of her seat.


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