The many faces of Joan Rivers |
April 27th, 2010 under The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 4 ]

Joan Rivers is promoting her movie Joan Rivers A Piece of Work, and as you can tell in these pictures her face is definitely a piece of work and very expressive. Who would have thought with all the plastic surgery she has had done to it, that she would still be able to move it like that?
The many faces of Betty White! |
April 20th, 2010 under Betty White, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Betty White helped open up Pink’s at their new location at Universal City Walk by downing a naked hot dog. Normally that is enough for jokes, but looking at how expressive her face is, I don’t have to say anything! Gotta love Betty White! Only the Golden Girl can eat a hot dog like that and get away with it!
Miss Betty White is always pretty, but she is especially pretty in pink!
BTW I have never had a Pink’s hot dog because the lines are always too long and I have heard they are not that good.
The many faces of Alex O’Loughlin! |
March 30th, 2010 under Alex O'Loughlin, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Alex O’Loughlin was promoting his new film The Back-Up Plan with Jennifer Lopez and he got his flirt on with reporters. He so had me wanting the see the movie with those beautiful baby blue eyes, and I am sure I am not the only one. I seriously never realized how hypnotizing the Moonlight star’s eyes were until I saw them in these photos. Don’t they make you want to do anything he asks you do? Granted I would’ve done that before I saw how beautiful they!
BTW luckily he has a Back-Up Plan when this movie fails, he is starring in the Hawaii Five-0 pilot for CBS.
The many faces of Ben Stiller |
March 24th, 2010 under Ben Stiller, Frat Pack, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Ben Stiller was at the Apple Store yesterday and he made a bunch of faces. You know to me with that facial hair and hairdo he looks like either a ’70s porn star or he should be starring in the musical Cats with no makeup needed.
The many faces of Greg Kinnear! |
March 16th, 2010 under The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Greg Kinnear was promoting his new movie The Last Song with Miley Cyrus and he got very expressive. No matter what face he is making, he is still cute to me! I will always love him because of the movie Sabrina, he was just so charming in that.
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