Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers
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Even Miley Cyrus didn’t deserve this
October 26th, 2013 under Miley Cyrus, The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Fashion Police, Joan Rivers dressed as Miley Cyrus at the VMAs, but she looks more a like a Sumo Wrestler to me. I don’t get why she wore a fat suit because Miley is a lot of things and fat isn’t one of them.


Caption Joan Rivers!
February 12th, 2013 under Caption the Celeb, The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers. [ Comments: none ]

This picture of Joan Rivers has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


Old female talk show hosts have a thing for 50 Cent
May 11th, 2012 under 50 Cent, The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers. [ Comments: none ]

First Chelsea Handler and 50 Cent had a thing going on and now it looks like Joan Rivers wants in on the action. The Plastic Surgery Queen downed a shot of his SK Energy Drink and then she wanted to get filthy with Fiddy. No word yet if anything happened between them and I don’t want to know.
If I were him, I would be nervous because next up might be Barbara Walters. Can you imagine that pairing?


Joan Rivers hits Betty White below the belt
February 17th, 2012 under David Letterman, The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers. [ Comments: 3 ]

Joan Rivers has no problem making fun of celebrities, but yesterday when she was on The Late Show with David Letterman she hit the below belt with her jokes. First she went off on Goldie Hawn and said “Goldie has allegedly been pulled so tight, they say, ‘when she swallows she has an orgasm'” Unlike Joan who has been pulled so tight when she scratches her head her feet itch. Then she made an unfunny joke about Joan Collins that isn’t even worth repeating.
Finally she went after Betty White saying that the only reason her career had a resurgence is because she is known in the business as “Bendover Betty”. Really why go there? If Betty and Joan battled it out on a roast the Golden Girl would easily win. When it comes to funny Betty knows how to do it better.
BTW it seems I am not the only one who didn’t find the jokes funny because Letterman didn’t appear to like them either.


Joan Rivers is delusional
January 16th, 2011 under David Letterman, The Comedy Central Roast of Joan Rivers. [ Comments: none ]

Joan Rivers was on The Late Show with David Letterman and she told him that she still has sex appeal, but thankfully she opts not use it. Seriously that only men that get turned on by her are plastic surgeons…
She then went on to tell him her “vagina is like Newark…Men know it is there, but they don’t want to visit.” A and men!


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