Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Stephen Colbert
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We’ve been saying Daniel Craig’s name incorrectly
December 3rd, 2024 under James Bond, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but I have been pronouncing Daniel Craig’s last name as Cregg, like Greg. It turns out I am wrong.

Yesterday, when Craig, Daniel Craig was on The Late Show, he told Stephen Colbert, who has also been mispronouncing his name, the correct way to say it.

So, what is the proper way to his surname? It is Craygg, like egg. That is crayggzy.

The more you know…

Here is another fact we learned during that interview. While Stephen Colbert pronounces his last as Coal-bear, some of his other ten siblings go by Coal-bert.

How did that happen? Stephen’s grandfather went by Coal-bert. However, his dad wanted to use the French pronunciation. But his grandfather said no to his dad because he was a Jr. So Stephen’s dad told his children they can by either. Guess which one he chose? Obvious, you know!

Now, I want to change how I pronounce my name to be cool like them.


People got Sexiest Man Alive wrong
November 13th, 2024 under John Krasinski, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

People named its Sexiest Man Alive. Stephen Colbert announced it on The Late Show yesterday, and it is John Krasinski.

Wow! I don’t know what they were thinking, but man, they got this wrong.

If he were the last man on earth in A Quiet Place, I would scream.

Talking about screaming. Even they couldn’t scream when Colbert announced Karasinski’s name. I think that says it all.

That is what I think. What do you think?


Liam Neeson’s next roll is the Easter Bunny?
March 28th, 2024 under Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

We are used to seeing Liam Neeson as the tough action hero, but his next role is going to be something completely different. And it is going to be an eggcellent role for him. That is because he is going to be the Easter Bunny.

Stephen Colbert got a copy of his audition tape and aired it on his Late Show.

I don’t know about you, but I am eggcited about it. But then again, I watch Easter Horror movies, and he reminds me of the serial rabbits that are featured in the films.


BTWF: Justin Hartley for MGD
February 12th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous, Justin Hartley, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Before Justin Hartley was getting all the girls on This Is Us, he was rejected by a girl drinking MGD. How cute was the 26-year-old in that “so inappropriate” 2003 commercial?

To hear what the Tracker star told Stephen Colbert on The Late Show about filming that ad, then click here!


What is Emma Stone proves she is Jeopardy ready?
January 31st, 2024 under Emma Stone, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Emma Stone said in an interview she applies to be on the original Jeopardy every year, but so far, they haven’t called.

So yesterday, when she was on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert decided to see if she is worthy to be on the game show.

How did she do? She was worthy. But then again, I got all the answers correct that she did. So, maybe I should be on Jeopardy too?

As to why she wants to be on the OG show and not Celebrity Jeopardy, it is because she says she barely graduated high school and didn’t go to college, so this would be her degree.


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