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The Gronk reads from the Erotica FanFiction about him!
February 3rd, 2015 under Jimmy Kimmel, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

New England Patriots Rob Gronkowski was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and the ABC late night host asked the Tight End to read from the fanfiction book that is about him. For a second the Super Bowl player was hesitant to do so, but then he agreed to read from A Gronking to Remember.
He did all of this with his poor mom in the audience and I am sure she will never be the same. Neither will we be because he mm put the erotic in erotica. You know what I mean. He was hot as he made the words in that book come to life.
And now after hearing him read those sexy words, I am off to write some FanFic about him. Don’t judge, I know you are tempted to do the same!


Marshawn Lynch and Rob Gronkowski’s mortal kombat!
January 29th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

The Super Bowl might not be until Sunday, but two of the opposing players battled it out in a Mortal Kombat tonight on Conan.
The TBS late host invited Seattle Seahwaks Marshawn Lynch and New England Patriots Rob Gronkowski to try out Mortal Kombat X before its release and I hope that Sunday’s game is as bloody and the commercials are as funny.
I don’t get why Marshawn doesn’t do interviews, he came off very personable here. When it comes to Gronk, he can sell any drug!
Finally make sure to watch it all the way until the end to see them all play with their alleged deflated balls and Conan O’Brien’s touchdown dance.


Who doesn’t love an implosion?
December 21st, 2014 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know what it is about implosions, but I think they are so beautiful.
Texas A&M’s Kyle Field is getting some renovation done and the former student side of the stadium had to come down according to Good Bull Hunting. So this morning, thanks to some explosives, down it came. What we got was a explosive show that only lasted a few seconds but left a lasting impression!


Who knew Clark Griswold plays college football?
September 8th, 2014 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

via RantSports
Every now and again, two college football players sit together and we get something magical! This time, it is Arkansas State players Jemar Clark and Darion Griswold, who are responsible for the magic moment. I just wonder if the students are old enough to get the National Lampoon’s Vacation reference their last names made together. Even if they don’t know who he is, we do and we are loving seeing them on the bench together. We also want that new Vacation movie that they have been promising us for a while. Now that would be a touchdown.


Serena Williams uses her tennis skills to break a store window!
August 22nd, 2014 under David Letterman, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Serena Wiliams was on The Late Show yesterday and David Letterman challenged her to a game of tennis. Believe it or not, the CBS late night host actually kept up with the pro. Eventually, it became too much for him, so he challenged her to break Rupert Jee’s Deli’s window via serves. Dave went first, and he was unsuccessful. Next up was the US Open title winner and at first she didn’t succeed. But that window was no match for her on the second try. Wonder how she will explain that on the court, I mean, in a court of law!


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