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Only 974 people showed up to a major league baseball game
April 12th, 2018 under Sports figures. [ Comments: 2 ]

When I was a kid I loved baseball. I loved going to games. I loved that energized feeling. Then they went on strike and this Yankees turned Mets fan who accepted the Marlins, said enough is enough.

Since then ticket prices have skyrocketed and people stopped going to see baseball games. Case in point on Tuesday, Rick Tarsitano says that 10,227 people paid to attend the White Sox game, but Tampa Bay Times’ Mark Topkin say only 974 people showed up to see his Rays play. Who to believe? I think we can all agree that Sporting News picture says it all because it screams empty stadium. Which is beyond sad.

I think the reason why ratings are down for all sporting events is because parents cannot afford to take their kids to games anymore. Therefore, kids do not have a reason to watch because there is nothing like the thrill of seeing a game in person. It is not the same watching it on TV. Thus, if they want the ratings to go up, then they need to lower the prices. Otherwise, they will all slowly fade away like a ball that goes over the wall.


Who doesn’t like a good bench clearing fight?
April 12th, 2018 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

NYC and Boston have has a long running feud and I am not only talking about the Yankees and the Red Sox. Yesterday, it was all about the latter. Not once but twice, the two MLB teams got into a bench clearing brawl. The first time was when a Bronx Bomber slid into second base with his cleat up and cut the second baseman. That is when both teams ran out to the field, but nothing happened that time.

A few innings later as Tyler Austin was at bat, Joe Kelly hit him with a pitch. Instead of walking to the first base, Austin ran right towards the pitcher. As Austin ran towards the mound, so did both teams. Giving us a short quick brawl that caused 4 players to be ejected from the game.

Like the fight, the Yankees won the game. When it Boston going to learn not to mess with NY. This Bronx girl witnessed that in ’86 when the Mets showed them who is #1!

BTW those were the second and third bench clearing fights of the day. San Diego Padres and the Colorado Rockies also had one.

If this keeps up, I am going to have to become a become a baseball fan. Not only because I like fights, but these players are really cute. So cute I want to run the bases with them. If you know what I mean.


Magic Johnson goes white face on Conan!
March 27th, 2018 under Conan O'Brien, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien has done a lot of foolish things in his career and the TBS host thought he had a chance of beating Magic Johnson in a game of HORSE. How did he do? It was a slam dunk for the NBA legend. When it comes to the host, well let’s just they probably turned him into glue after this game. Especially since his legs are the same color as Elmer’s Glue, whiter than white.

Talking about white, Conan idolized Larry Bird when he was younger and he found a way to include him the game. He made a mask of the Celtics player and wore it for it good luck. It worked because he actually got the basketball to go through the hoop. Since it worked for him, Magic thought he would do the same. The Great White Hope worked his magic on Magic too. Now I need some magic to get that image out of my head. How weird did he look with a white face? Almost as weird as Conan with his white face. That joke didn’t work.

Oh and now I am craving Jack in the Box, does anyone know the app for Doordash?


BTWF news: Adam Rippon interviewed by WNEP
February 15th, 2018 under Before They Were Famous, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

via Towelroad
Before Adam Rippon was Olympic medalist in figure skating, he was just starting out. How likable was the 13-year-old being interviewed by WNEP back in 2003?


Why isn’t baby races a national sport?
January 22nd, 2018 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Since I do not watch sports, I did not know that occasionally they have baby races at the games.

On Saturday, the Cleveland Cavaliers held a baby race during the Thunders game and is it the cutest thing I have ever seen in sports, besides Ron Darling’s a$$. Such a slam dunk, I do not know why it is not weekly televised game. I would totally watch.

So what is the dealio with baby races? Several babies between 6-12 months, who only crawl, compete in a race from the free throw line and to the half court one during halftime and the first one to cross the line wins. What did baby Charlie win? He got a $1,000 Wayside gift card, while all the other infants got a $200 one. What we got was priceless.

Let’s start a petition to make baby races a national sport. I can see the winningest baby being the face of Wheaties and so much more.


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