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Scary Spice called Posh Spice and Sporty Spice ‘two bitches’
September 9th, 2016 under James Corden, Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

Mel B was on The Late Late Show yesterday and James Corden wanted to know more information about a rumored Spice Girls reunion for their 20th anniversary with just Ginger Spice, Baby Spice and Scary Spice aka GEM for Geri, Emma and Mel B. She said it will go in some way, they just don’t know how yet.
Then he wanted to know why it is just the 3 of them and not all 5. She told him, “Cause the other 2 bitches didn’t want to do it.” Then sadly for us, she corrected it and didn’t let it end just there. She added, “My other fellow two lovely ladies, Victoria is busy with her great fashion line, Mel C is doing her own album. So they gracefully said ‘you three go ahead and do it.'” I think she totally meant her first statement, at least that is how I wanna it to be because it is what I want, what I really really want.


Mel B wants you to look at her muscles!
August 2nd, 2016 under Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

I never really researched why Mel B is called Scary Spice, but I am assuming it is because of her body. It is so muscular that it is scary perfect. Even though it has been 20 years since we got to know the Spice Girls, her figure still looks just as Scary. Although, I doubt you are looking at her toned physique. You wannabe looking at her boobs that are anything but scary!


The Spice Girls announce they will have an announcement
July 8th, 2016 under Spice Girls. [ Comments: 7 ]

Can you believe it has been 20 years since we first heard Wannabe? Well it has been and the remaining girls want to through a party to commemorate their anniversary. The details aren’t finalized, but it will be something we want, what we really really want.
Also the Spice Girls seem to have a new name GEM for Geri Halliwell, Emma Burton and Mel B. I guess it is good thing Victoria Beckham or Melanie Chisholm will not be back because that would ruin their new name.
What do you think of their new name? Do you want, really really want a reunion without Posh and Sporty Spice?


Did Posh Spice leave the Spice Girls to become a lounge singer?
April 11th, 2016 under Spice Girls, The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

Victoria Beckham was seen singing into a mic while laying down on a piano, so you have to wonder if she is going from Pop Star to Lounge Act? I mean, it would explain why she isn’t going to be part of the Spice Girls’ 20th Anniversary Reunion Show. So what is up with her being down like that? As she explained, “For one night only Las Vegas! VB and Ken!! Live!!!!!” But in reality, it was just Ken Paves and her having some fun.
BTW when was the last time she showed as much skin as she is showing there?


Mel B and the Spice Girls?
February 8th, 2016 under Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

Mel B was seen with the Spice Girls in Miami over the weekend, but they are just Wannabes. And you know what Baby, they are just as Scary, Posh and Sporty as the original quintet. They are the perfect mix of Ginger and spice and everything nice.
So much so, if any of the other Spice Girls besides Victoria Beckham drop out, I say that they should replace them. I would pay to see those Spice Girls or should I say Spice Boys?


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