Today is the day we celebrate our independence from England. And somewhere, King George III still thinks that we’ll be back. I guess it is our fault he went mad because we never come back.
Today we honor the women who raised us to be the people we became. They were the first ones to love us, and they taught us how to love everyone that same way. So today, show them all the love they gave us and then some.
Happy Mother’s Day!
For those of you, who were scared by the creepy Easter Bunny when you were a kid, here is some revenge porn for you brought to you by Critters 2. I can’t believe no one told me it was an Easter movie. I only found out because Tubi added it to their lineup this week.
Anyways may your day be filled with Peeps and chocolate bunnies!
Happy St Patrick’s Day, the day where we are all Irish for the day!
But on a serious note, today, let’s all be Asian too. What is going on in America is disgusting. Asians should not be attacked because of who they are. We are all the same underneath our skin, so stop the Asian hate.
Conan O’Brien tried to teach several Chinese Americans about today’s holiday. Why don’t we do the same and learn more about our Asian friends?
We can’t hate who we know, so get to know everyone you can. Unless they are a White Supremacist. There is nothing redeemable about them.
Oh, and since many bars and pubs are open again, don’t drink and drive.