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Happy Valentine’s Day!
February 14th, 2012 under Oscars, SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Many of us learned how to kiss from watching movies, in fact many of us got their first kiss in a movie theater. To honor that the Oscars have released a series of posters commemorating the most romantics moments in film. Who can ever forget the feeling they got when Lloyd held that up boom box in Say Anything. Or that tender moment between baby and Johnny Castle in Dirty Dancing. Who hasn’t made out on a beach and wanted to have the ocean water cover them like that kiss in From Here to Eternity. And who hasn’t wanted to be kissed the same way Rhett kissed Scarlett in Gone with the Wind.
So today kiss your Valentine like your favorite romantic moment from the movie of your choice, I am sure they will appreciate and kiss you back the same way. If you don’t have someone to kiss, why not sit back and watch your favorite chick click and pretend that lead is your Valentine for the night.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


Happy Friday the 13th!
January 13th, 2012 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Friday the 13th and on this day I like to celebrate it remembering the great horror franchise with the same. Today to honor it, I posted a poster that shows how everyone died in the movies. So take a look at it and see how many bloody murders you actually remember from the series.
And try to avoid ladders, cracks in the sidewalks and broken mirrors.


What is your New Year’s Resolution?
January 1st, 2012 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Every January 1st millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, and by January 2nd they are already breaking them.
After watching the cast of Shameless tell us their resolutions, I became inspired to come up with some for a few of the celebrities I blog about.

Kim Kardashian – Next time I get married, I will make sure it lasts at least 73 days.
Lindsay Lohan – I will remain sober and not go back to jail again.
Scarlett Johansson – I will not say something pretentious one day and something low class the next.
Bradley Cooper – I will date as many single A-List actress as possible that I haven’t already dated. Are there any left?
Will Ferrell and Jack Black – I will make a watchable movie.
Paris Hilton – I will become a celebrity again.
Demi Moore – I will date my own age. Oh that 20-something guy is so cute and he is much younger than what’s his name!
Ricky Gervais – I will only make fun of people who deserve it at the Golden Globes.
Charlie Sheen – I will get my job back at Two and a Half Men and never say “Winning!” again.
Donald Trump – I will finally get a haircut that shows off my real hairline.
The writers of Glee – We will make the show as good as it was during the first 13 episodes.
Gwyneth Paltrow – I don’t need to make any resolutions, I am perfect the way I am.
The casting department from Dancing with the Stars – We will cast real stars that the viewers at home have actually heard of.
Simon Cowell – I will shirts that don’t show off my moobs.
Richard Simmons – I will wear pants and shirts with sleeves.
Pamela Anderson – I will dress my age.


Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2012 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Happy and healthy New Year, may 2012 bring you everything you want and more!
And more importantly let’s hope that the Mayans really ran out of room on the wall and we make it to 2013!


2011 the year that was…
December 31st, 2011 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

2011 is almost over and Daniel Tosh pretty much summarized it on his show Tosh.O back in mid-November. So sit back and watch how he described in a way only he can get away with it.
The only thing he didn’t comment on was how Kim Kardashian proved that same-sex marriage should be legal because gays believe in the sanctity of marriage more than Sinead O’Connor and her do!
And to conclude my post on 2011 the that was… I want to say my person of the year is Gabrielle Giffords who unintentionally risked her life for her constituents and proved politicians can care about the people they represent. She also showed us a strength and courage that is so admirable and did not ask for herself but for others as continued to heal from a gunshot to head. She is a role model that kids of all ages can look up to and respect. In a year when we have gotten so sick of politicians and their bullsh!t, it is nice to have one that is the complete opposite.
So 2011 I bid you farewell and say hello 2012!!!


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