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Just like Patty Hearst, South Park released from the closet
July 12th, 2006 under Comedy Central, South Park. [ Comments: none ]

Comedy Central has scheduled a July 19 airdate for "Trapped in the Closet," the South Park episode that spoofed Tom Cruise and Scientology, Variety reports. The controversial outing premiered in November 2005, then was pulled from the repeat roster in May supposedly because a displeased Cruise threatened to not pimp M:i:III for Paramount — which, like Comedy Central, is owned by Viacom. Speaking of Tom, his spokesperson has given the Associated Press a statement regarding baby Suri, who rather conspicuously has yet to have her own coming-out party: "If and when [Cruise and Katie Holmes] do make a decision [to show Suri to the public], it will be at their discretion and not anybody else’s."

TV Guide

Amazing what an Emmy nomination can do for a show. So I wonder what we will see first Suri (Surrender) or this episode? This episode duh!


Emmy says. “Take that Tom Cruise” with South Park nom!
July 6th, 2006 under Comedy Central, Emmys, South Park, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

One of the Emmy nominees for best animated program is the episode of "South Park" that’s said to have angered Tom Cruise and Isaac Hayes.

The episode called "Trapped in the Closet" implies that Cruise is gay and makes fun of Scientology.

Cruise’s fellow Scientologist Isaac Hayes reportedly quit because he was upset with the episode. And when it came time to rerun it, Cruise allegedly called Comedy Central and demanded that it be pulled. It was, even though Cruise’s people denied he asked for it.

Access Hollywood 

Do you think the Emmy voters knew the premise behind this episode when they selected it?

Still rooting for Family Guy, but a little part of me is saying Go South Park! 


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