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Alec Baldwin gets how much to play Donald Trump on SNL?
December 21st, 2016 under Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Alec Baldwin must love playing Donald Trump so much on Saturday Night Live because The New York Times reports he is only getting paid $1,400 each time he appears on the show as the President Elect. That is a small amount for the actor and even less for the “Billionaire”.
And talking about little, not Trump’s hands or thing that coincides with that, the paper says it only takes him 7 minutes to transform into the character. They put “a dusting of Clinique Stay-Matte powder in honey” on his face making sure to cover his eyes and the whip cream on top is the wig that is specially made for him. The dirty feeling afterwards, well that lasts for a lifetime. All for $1,400 a week. Hey we do worse for less.


What would get Alec Baldwin to stop playing Donald Trump?
December 4th, 2016 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Shortly after Saturday Night Live aired another accurate bit about Donald Trump, the President Elect Tweeted about it. He said, “Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad.”
Alec Baldwin, who has been doing a better job at playing him than the real thing, had something to say about that. He made a deal with him, “..@realDonaldTrump Release your tax returns and I’ll stop. Ha.”


SNL is full of a lot of stiffs
November 16th, 2016 under Mannequin Challenge, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]
One of the funnest things about the celebrity Mannequin Challenges is that you get to see the behind the scenes of TV sets, red carpets and so much more. Kristen Wiig is returning to Saturday Night Live this week and the NBC show shot a Mannequin Challenge to promote her appearance on it. Leave it to her Ghostbusters co-star Leslie Jones to bust it up!
Plus it is really cool to see how big and small their set is when it is full of people before the show goes live from New York.


Hallelujah! SNL ends their political coverage with a positive message!
November 13th, 2016 under Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

This was the most negative election in all of our lifetimes. Saturday Night Live could’ve ended it with a joke, but instead they went with the serious route. Or as Michelle Obama would say, “When they go low, we go high.”
As you know Leonard Cohen sadly passed away this week, and SNL started off their show with just Kate McKinnon playing the piano dressed as Hillary Clinton tickling the ivories as she sang his impactful song Hallelujah. His lyrics are just as powerful now as the day he wrote them.
Before this performance if you would’ve asked me who sang the best cover of the song, I would’ve said Jon Bon Jovi. Now it will always be this one.


Saturday Night Live takes on Donald Trump in their own special way!
October 9th, 2016 under Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]
When Saturday Night Live hired Alex Baldwin to play Donald Trump, you knew it was going to be huge. But then on Friday, you knew he was going to take it to all new levels of excellence and that is exactly what it was yesterday!
If Baldwin doesn’t win an Emmy for this portrayal, then the Emmy voters are more out of touch than the Oscars are with diversity.


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