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Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are expecting again
September 15th, 2022 under Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

via People

Blake Lively has been keeping a secret. She and her husband, Ryan Reynolds, are expecting their 4th child together.

The actress revealed her baby bump at the 10th Annual Forbes Power Women’s Summit this morning.

The couple, who celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary this year, have three daughters, James, 7, Inez, 5, and Betty, 2. Maybe this one will be a boy? It would be nice to have a mini-Ryan in the world.


Ryan Reynolds gave Nick Cannon a vasectomy
June 8th, 2022 under Nick Cannon, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: 1 ]

If ever there was any man who needs a vasectomy, it is Nick Cannon. Especially since today, we found that he is expecting baby #9 and counting.

Therefore, Ryan Reynolds called up the 41-year-old and offered him a vasectomy. Just not the one he needs. Actually, it is quite the opposite because it is a drink made with Reynold’s Aviation American Gin.

If Cannon can’t put a condom on when he is sober, how is he going to do it when he has a cocktail or two.

So, we can blame Reynolds for babies #13 and #14 because the Vasectomy sounds delicious.

Oh, and when it comes to Reynolds wanting to drink now because he has three girls under 7. Wait until he has three teenage girls in the house. I am sure the Vasectomy will be too weak for him when that happens. He will just be drinking gin straight at that point, especially if they are all on the same cycle with his wife, Blake Lively!

One last note, can we all agree that Ryan Reynolds is the most brilliant man in advertising these days? He is the most significant advertising genius since Emory Leeson.


Ryan Reynolds has an ugly growth on his face
April 23rd, 2022 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Reynolds has a new mustache, and he says it “made my daughter cry.” I can’t say I blame his three daughters because that is not a good look for People’s formerly Sexiest Man Alive.

I mean, the actor doesn’t look like a ’70s porn star, a cop, or a member of the Village People, so why did he grow it? It is not for a role because he is taking a hiatus from acting. So why do you think he is going through this midlife crisis?


Ryan Reynolds put his daughter to work
March 14th, 2022 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Reynolds is taking a hiatus from acting and donating lots of money to great causes. Because of that, I guess he needs to save whatever dinero he does have. Therefore, when he shot his latest commercial for his company, Mint Mobile, he put one of his three daughters to work behind the camera.

Sadly, he didn’t think the decision through because he paid her with approval and candy. What happens when you give a kid candy? They get hyper, and the camerawork gets messy. I guess next time, he will give her the candy after she completes the job.

Plus, I don’t know why she isn’t in front of the camera. I mean, her mom is Blake Lively and her dad is Reynolds, so you know she is going to be beautiful. Unless she was conceived when he was filming Deadpool, and she takes after Wade Wilson.


Guess who is making Ryan Reynolds giddy like a girl?
March 1st, 2022 under Guess who?, Netflix, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

(Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images for Netflix)

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