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I dig the Buried trailer
July 21st, 2010 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

One of the most buzzed movies for the fall is Buried and now we are finally getting the full trailer. Maybe I am biased because Ryan Reynolds is on my To-Do list, but I can’t wait to see the movie when it comes out September 24th. Seriously I just loved the loved the line, “You ransom video already has 47,000 hits on YouTube.” Gotta love YouTube, where a ransom video can get almost 50,000 hits. If it were the real world it probably would have gotten 100,000 hits and a mash up before someone paid it…if they pay it.


Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson actually go public together!
June 14th, 2010 under Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett Johannsson. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson have been married for over a year and a half and since they said “I do” they have never attended a public function together. That was until last night when he came out to support his wife who was nominated for an Tony. Guess she forgot her husband was there when she won because she kissed her co-star Liev Schreiber before she kissed him. Ouch! Even though she acknowledged her husband second, he looked at her with such love and admiration as she thanked her Canadian in her acceptance speech.
Maybe someday she can return the favor to him and attend the Oscars when he is nominated for Best Abs. There is a category for that, no? Because as much as I love his bubble butt, I don’t see him getting an Academy Award anytime soon.
BTW I don’t know why they don’t go out in public together more often because they are such a gorgeous couple!


Who looks better in a light blue shirt…Val Kilmer or Ryan Reynolds?
January 20th, 2010 under Better than..., Ryan Reynolds, Val Kilmer. [ Comments: 2 ]

Fame (Val Kilmer) and Pacific Coast News (Ryan Reynolds)
Yesterday both Val Kilmer and Ryan Reynolds were seen wearing blue buttoned down shirts that were coming out of their pants and I wondered who wore it better? Well like duh, this totally goes to Ryan Reynolds. Come on he looks good in everything he wears…especially when he isn’t wearing any shirt at all!
BTW both Val Kilmer and Ryan Reynolds were on my To-Do list, but I took both of them off it for very different reasons.


Ryan Reynolds next role is a drag
October 15th, 2009 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: 6 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Ryan Reynolds has worn some interesting costumes in a bunch of his movies and his next one will be his weirdest one yet. He will be playing a man dressing up as a woman in a untitled movie according to Variety.

Pic is described as a dude-in-drag romantic comedy, with Reynolds playing a jilted lover who must disguise himself as a woman and befriend his ex in order to win her back.

I don’t know, I just don’t think he will make a pretty woman because he has such a manly face. But then again I said that about Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman and two of the Wayans brothers…oh wait they didn’t make pretty women either. Hmmmm?
I have been debating whether or not to drop Ryan Reynolds from my ToDo list because I have either opted not watch or I can’t get through a lot of his recent movies. And now that he will be dressing up as a woman, I think that was the final thing I needed to make my decision. So who should I get to replace him???


The awwwdorable faces of Ryan Reynolds
June 2nd, 2009 under Ryan Reynolds, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Seriously can Ryan Reynolds be any cuter? The answer is yes because he took his mother to the premiere of his new movie The Proposal! How sweet!!!


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