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The Rolling Stones tour even more cursed
November 7th, 2006 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

Rolling Stones In Another Tour Jinx…. Veteran rockers The Rolling Stones’ world tour has been hit by another tragedy after Ronnie Wood’s brother died of cancer. The guitarist has flown back to the UK from America after hearing Art, 69, lost his six-month battle with the disease. A source says, "Ronnie’s devastated. Art played an important role in developing his musical skills." So far none of the band’s gigs have been cancelled and Wood is expected to return to the tour soon. Yesterday (06Nov06) it was revealed frontman Sir Mick Jagger’s father was in hospital following a fall.

Female First 

I bet they can’t wait for the end of this tour already


New autopsy for Rolling Stones’ Brian Jones?
November 6th, 2006 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: 1 ]

Calls were made today for a new inquest into the death of former Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones and for his body to be exhumed. Jones, a founding member of the legendary rock group, died in 1969 when he drowned while taking a midnight swim at his Hartfield, Sussex mansion. There have been a number of conspiracy theories about his death and his girlfriend at the time, Anna Wohlin, believes he was murdered – claims repeated in last year’s film Stoned. The Coroner recorded a verdict of death by misadventure but a new investigation has cast doubt on the official account that Jones drowned after taking a cocktail of drink and drugs. A BBC documentary will tonight show how Jones, 27, had drunk the equivalent of only three-and-a-half pints of beer and the drugs found in his system could have been prescribed sleeping pills. Trevor Hobley, who has spent more than three years probing the death, will present his dossier of evidence to the Attorney General in the hope of getting a fresh inquest. Mr Hobley, 56, is the chairman of the Brian Jones fan club, and has hired a team of forensic experts and a lawyer to help his investigation. He said: "We have come across some really damning new evidence – between the BBC, myself and the lawyer – and we are going to present it to the Attorney General in an attempt to have the death by misadventure verdict replaced by an open verdict. "This will then allow us to go to the next stage of having a fresh investigation and a new autopsy." Mr Hobley believes the only way to get to the truth of what happened to Jones is to exhume his body from its grave in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. He said: "Brian Jones is the silent witness that carries the exact cause of his death and the only way that we’re ever going to get to the truth is to have Brian Jones’ body exhumed. "Distasteful as it might seem to some people, this is almost an inevitable consequence of what I’ve discovered over the last three years." Mr Hobley claims to have uncovered evidence which was not available at the inquest, and to have new witnesses, but he refused to disclose any further information about his investigation. He agrees that Jones was murdered and claims to have uncovered a number of possible motives for killing the rock star. Mr Hobley said: "I state quite categorically that I’m 100 per cent certain that he was murdered. "For any murder, you have to have a motive, and the thing I have done is that I have uncovered possibly two or three motives." Tonight’s edition of Inside Out West will feature Mr Hobley’s investigation and he said the BBC hopes to follow his future progress as he bids to get a new inquiry into the musician’s death.

Daily Mail 

I wonder if they will get one?


Mick Jagger inspired Meat Loaf to lose some extra meat
November 6th, 2006 under Meat Loaf/Jim Steinman, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

Rolling Stones star Sir Mack Jagger has inspired rocker Meat Loaf to hit the gym and get fit. The heavyweight Bat Out Of Hell star is impressed with ageing Jagger’s stage performances and felt he needed to get into shape if he wanted to maintain his career. Meat Loaf says, "Jagger is buff, and he has incredible stamina… He made me go down to the gym. "I’m not working weights yet, but I’m working with the treadmill." The rocker has already lost a pile of weight, but he doesn’t want to go too far. He adds, "If I weighed a buck-50 (150 pounds), I’d disappear. The wind would blow me away."

Cinema Bland

I don’t think I could picture Meat skinny, I like him just the way he is!


Scorsese to direct a Rolling Stones docu
October 4th, 2006 under Martin Scorsese, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

Director Martin Scorsese is working on a documentary about The Rolling Stones. Scorsese will film The Stones’ upcoming New York City gigs at The Beacon Theatre between October 29 and 31. It is not clear if the documentary will encompass the entire history of The Rolling Stones or just their current A Bigger Bang tour. Scorsese’s last foray into rock documentaries was the acclaimed Bob Dylan documentary ‘No Direction Home’. The Stones have made one career retrospective film, 1989’s ‘25X5′.


Believe it or not I am not tempted to see this at all. I guess I do not get the whole Scorsese thing.


Keith Richards, drunk or lack of sea legs on the POTC3 set?
September 21st, 2006 under Pirates of the Caribbean, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

A not terribly sober Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has filmed his cameo as Johnny Depp’s swashbuckling dad in "Pirates of the Caribbean 3," which is shooting somewhere in Southern California in a place called Palmdale. Last night at Premiere magazine’s decidedly swellegant Women in Hollywood Icon awards gala at the Beverly Hills Hotel, we heard a good story about Richards from gifted Brit actor Bill Nighy (you know him from playing a Richards like rock star in “Love Actually”). Nighy wasn’t on set when Richards came for his big Hollywood moment, but he more or less confirmed for us a tale we’d heard earlier. Richards, no stranger to substances and liquids, was left to his own devices in his trailer before his big scene. That wasn’t a good idea. When the time came to shoot, he was a bit “wobbly.” To keep him straight, director Gore Verbinski held Richards by the shins. “You’ve got to keep straight,” Verbinski told him. “If you’d wanted straight, then you got the wrong man,” Richards replied huskily. Richards’ pirate costume, sources say, closely resembles Depp’s, with a different colored bandana. The two had such a good time together that Depp kept a souvenir from Richards’ short visit: a set of stairs built for Richards to get in and out of his trailer, which he signed to Depp with the salutation, “A step too far.”


Sounds like it was an interesting day of filming!


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