Robin Williams is hard at work on The Crazy Ones! |
August 12th, 2013 under Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]

Robin Williams is returning to prime television for the first time in just over 30 years and it looks like he is already hard at work on The Crazy Ones. The very funny man Tweeted the above picture and said “Great morning. Good to be back at work!”
That is something he is not kidding about because he recently told us at the TCA CBS Summer Press Tour Day how much he loves working on the CBS sitcom created by David E Kelley. He said, “The bottom line is he (Kelley) writes great stuff. It’s a great base, and I’ve got great people to play off of. It’s like heaven, a great ensemble. I loved it.”
And I loved loved loved the pilot that makes it’s debut on CBS Thursday, September 26th at 9p. So set your DVRs because you don’t want to miss this show that is a like a Happy Meal toy that keeps on giving you hours of enjoyment!
Betty White + Robin Williams = Pure Happiness! |
August 8th, 2013 under Betty White, Jay Leno, Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]

The extremely talented Robin Williams is a guest on The Tonight Show tonight and he Tweeted a picture of someone he ran into backstage. That person is the very much loved Betty White and what we got is a picture that is sure to bring a huge smile to your face.
I hope that someone who works on the much anticipated CBS’s The Crazy Ones sees this pictures and casts Miss White as his mom. How freaking awesome would that would be? It would be comedy diamond, that’s right better than gold!
Robin Williams compares himself to Kim Kardashian |
May 8th, 2013 under Robin Williams, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Robin Williams Tweeted the above picture and said “I think I wore it better!” I think he did too, don’t you agree?
BTW I would love to be a fly in the room when Kim Kardashian finds out that she looked like Mrs Doubtfire in her Met Gala dress. You know it is going to be ugly like some of the extreme things she has done in the name of beauty!
If Robin Williams and Billy Crystal had a son… |
April 13th, 2011 under Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

…it wouldn’t be Russell Brand.
I saw these pictures or Robin Williams, Billy Crystal and Russell Brand together like that and I could just picture Brand wishing he was the next generation of them. But even though I will admit, I think he is funny, he is know where as brilliant as those two! So if they had a son it wouldn’t be him, in fact I can’t think of anyone of the next generation who could hold a candle to the Oscar winner and Oscar hist, can you?
When did Robin Williams become a bum? |
April 1st, 2011 under Robin Williams. [ Comments: none ]

Has Robin Williams hit some really hard times and become a bum? Nope it is just him doing the Broadway show Bengal Tiger At The Baghdad Zoo.
You know I never thought he could be hairier than he already is, but that beard turned him into one big furry bear.
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