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Revenge is a dish best served on a cold toilet seat!
December 11th, 2014 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

via Viral Brothers
A woman was so sick of her boyfriend pranking her that she decided to get some hot revenge on him. She knows that when he comes home, he needs to take a poopy. That means he will need to wipe his a$$, so she sprayed the toilet paper with some pepper spray. What happens next is a sadist’s dream.
Slowly you hear moans coming from the bathroom before you finally see him come out. He is in so much pain he can’t even stand. He grabs his butt and screams in agony. His girlfriend can’t stop laughing as he begs her to stop filming. When she won’t, he decides to hide from her in the closet.
Thinking he has been through enough, she offers him some ice to sooth to fire. What he doesn’t know, is that she also sprayed the cubes with the spray.
He tries once again to get away from her by cooling off his tucas off in the shower. Again this fails for him.
Eventually the pain subsides, but will their relationship? Hopefully not because we need more pranks like this one from these two!


Is this the greatest Thanksgiving Day prank ever?
November 29th, 2014 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

So a mother asked her daughter to clean the stuffing out of a turkey on Thanksgiving and what the teen found left us and her in tears. There was another turkey (so she thought) in it. When she realized that the cooked bird was pregnant, she started to cry.
What she didn’t realize is her mom put a Cornish hen inside of it to prank her. If you don’t get the joke, turkeys lay eggs and don’t give birth. In the girl’s defense, turkey eggs are not popular so it makes sense why she might not have known how they repopulate.


Want to prank your kids tonight?
October 31st, 2014 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]
Tevyn Demmings came up with the ultimate Halloween prank to teach their kid a lesson. So if you are not in the mood to go Trick or Treating tonight, then take your kids’ temperature and tell then they got the Ebola.
More candy for me, the more kids that don’t go out. What?


The web of lies this dog spun!
September 5th, 2014 under Animals, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

A man dressed his best friend up as a spider and scared unsuspecting people. The prank starts off innocent at first, but as it goes on the owner got more creative. Therefore, the people get more terrified and ran faster than spider trying to catch fly that just flew in his web.
Since we are the viewer and know it is a dog in sheep’s, I mean spider’s, clothing, it is funny how horrified these people get. Although I would probably do the same thing because I such a scaredy cat. But then again my cat is less afraid of spiders than I am.


The prank that almost killed Valerie Bertinelli in a morgue!
August 20th, 2014 under Pranks, Sean Hayes, Valerie Bertinelli. [ Comments: none ]

Valerie Bertinelli was filming a scene for Hot in Cleveland in a makeshift morgue, when she found herself almost being sent to a real one.
Melanie tells Joy on the phone, “Over my dead body,” as she looks at a dead body under a sheet. I guess she was expecting a dummy to be under it; because when the body suddenly sits up, she nearly has a heart attack.
The prankster is the Executive Producer of the show Todd Milliner, and the cuter than cute actress called him what she probably just did in her pants. Which you can’t blame her because we would all do the same thing.
That prank shows what a fun set they have for the sitcom and that is why it won’t be sent to the television morgue any time soon. So make sure to tune in tonight at 10p on TV Land for another hysterical episode.


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