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Channing Tatum is balding!
June 2nd, 2015 under Channing Tatum, Pranks. [ Comments: 1 ]
Channing Tatum decided to have some fun with the fans of his movie Magic Mike XXL and I don’t think any of them minded being pranked by him. The former stripper was made up to look like a middle aged, balding marketing exec, so that he could ask the unsuspecting people what they thought of the original movie before they saw the new one in 3D. During the whole time he was talking to them, none of them had any idea who he was.
When he was done surveying them, it was time to show the movie in 3D. But it wasn’t your normal type of 3D, they had actual strippers dancing for the audience. Then it was time to reveal who he was really was and they were thrilled to see him. Personally, I would’ve preferred Matt Bomer, but Tatum is a nice consolation prize.
BTW I wonder if after his wife, Jenna Dewan, saw what he will look in 20 years, she was thinking there is a clock ticking on their marriage?


Gotta love when pranks go bad!!!
April 20th, 2015 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]
So you know that couple that loves to prank each other, well they are back with another one that might be sadly their last.
Erik recently pranked his girlfriend by putting a stuffed dog in the washer and telling Domisha it was her real dog. She didn’t find it funny, so she me made him the butt of all jokes. While he was in his birthday suit, she put two wax strips on a chair and told him to sit his naked a$$ down. I shouldn’t say naked because it used to be a full of a lot hair.
On that note, he decided to get her back by playing a joke on her that involved hair. While she was taking a bath, he came in to wash her locks. What she didn’t know is that he had some fake hair in his hand and is going to tell her it was hers. Her reaction to his latest prank, proves why you should never mess with a woman and her hair and to also have a doctor on a speed dial! You will understand what that means when you watch both videos. They are worth the watch because the sadist in you will laugh.


Matt Lauer gets Ellen DeGeneres back…again!
April 17th, 2015 under Ellen DeGeneres, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

Matt Lauer and Ellen DeGeneres have been pranking each other back and forth, and the host of Today got her good. He put 4 billboards up around Los Angeles saying that Ellen‘s other job is as a plumber. This is the first time they have taken their pranks outside of the studios, and I can see his handiwork about her handiwork from my window. Not really, but it is two blocks from my place. So I feel like I get to enjoy this prank personally. Especially since I see it all the time now.
And now I wonder how she is going to get him back because you know it is going to be good. He is playing with fire, and he is going to burn.


Don’t f*ck with a woman’s dog because revenge is a bitch!
April 14th, 2015 under Pranks, Uncategorized. [ Comments: 1 ]

A man pranked his girlfriend by pretending to put her dog in a running washing machine and she decided to get him back!
The day after his birthday, she told him she had another surprise for him. So after he got out of the shower, she blindfolded him and led him in his birthday suit to the living room. Then she had him take off his towel and told him to sit on a chair. What he didn’t know is that she put wax strips on the plastic chair. He realized what she did when he tried to stand up and was literally stuck the chair. No matter what he did, he could not save his a$$ hair. One by one by one by one by one they slowly came out of him. Eventually he was able to free himself from the chair, but a wax strip stayed behind on his behind. That piece had to be removed by his laughing hysterically girlfriend and she enjoyed every second of perfectly executed prank. As she should because it is the butt of all pranks!
To see what happens next and the original prank, then click here!


When Zombies attack Philadelphia!
April 9th, 2015 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

Prank vs Prank thought it would be fun(ny) to have a bunch of Zombies attack Philly, and the results are phenomenal.
They invaded several populated areas and the walking alive were scared sh!tless. At one point a bunch of them even climbed a statue to get away from the walking dead. Can’t say I would blame them because I would probably do the same exact thing. But then again, I watch way too many Zombie movies, so I would think my worst nightmare (after being attacked by bugs or a Sharknado) became a nightmare. What would you do?


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