Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton
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Paris Hilton is an animal lover
July 6th, 2006 under Paris Hilton, Paul McCartney/Heather Mills. [ Comments: none ]


On July 5, Paris Hilton stopped by the Bird Kingdom & Pet Shop in Santa Monica, California, and purchased a parrot and kitten. Months from now, when she tires of the animals, she will discard them in the bathroom at Bungalow 8, issuing the following statement through publicist Eliot Mintz: “They know what they did.”

Us Weekly 

That explains why she is the only friend to Heather Mills:

The recenttly spearated Heather Mills-McCartney has praised socialite Paris Hilton for turning her back on fur. Mills, a fervent animal rights protestor recently showed Hilton videos of how fur is obtained from animals and Hilton has not yet looked back.She is now hoping that friends, followers and fans of Hilton will follow her lead and also ditch fur for good.Mills said: "Paris’s decision is wonderful."As a trend setter and a fashion icon, I know she is already using her influence to persuade some of her fur wearing celebrity friends to stop wearing fur."

Entertainment Wise 



Paris Hilton wants to name her kids after her favorite places.
July 4th, 2006 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Budding pop star PARIS HILTON is desperate to have kids – as she wants to name them all after her favourite places The 25-year-old socialite can’t wait to find the right man so she can start having children, all of whom will bear the titles of countries or cities. And as one of her top capitals is Paris, she simply has to name one of the little ones after herself. She says, "I want a large family but I haven’t found the guy. I wanna name them London and Paris and I was thinking China. "But I already know a couple of Chinas so I don’t want that one now."

Contact Music

And I here I was thinking she would name after her favortie stores and designers, silly me.


Turn it down with Paris
July 3rd, 2006 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

AOL drops Paris’ second (or is this 3rd? who knows) single "Turn It Up". Listen here

Wizbang Pop 

Seriously, I want Paris’ album!  But I will wait until it is down to $2.99 in the used clearance section.


Gotta love Denis Leary
June 30th, 2006 under Denis Leary, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

DENIS Leary can forget sainthood, after the interview he gave in the August issue of Playboy. "After I graduated . . . I see this really hot-looking blonde [in] hot pants and sneakers," the "Rescue Me" star said. "My brother goes, ‘That’s the hot-looking nun [from school]. She had an affair with one of the other teachers, left the convent and now they’re getting married.’ I was like, ‘Hell . . . all we had to do was ask!’ " Leary remembers when a mom walked up to him at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. "[She] said, ‘You remember me, right? I remember you because you used to feel my daughter up’ . . . I spent the rest of the night avoiding her." He says the Catholic church is richer than the Mob, with "enough money to throw around and settle molestation suits." He zaps Paris Hilton for making "not very good homemade porn. And I’m not talking about the way it was filmed. I’m talking about the actual sex." He rips Adam Sandler for doing "the same thing over and over . . . playing the retard-goofball crazy guy." Finally, Leary wants free sex for the president: "If he’s doing a good job, Keira Knightley gets told, ‘Part of your job is to [bleep] the president . . . then we’ll put you in a big movie.’ "

Page Six

Rescue Me is one of my favorite shows! 


How cheap is Paris?
June 28th, 2006 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Partying heiress PARIS HILTON was denied a special discount when she checked in at her family’s Hilton Hotel in Glasgow recently. The socialite was in Scotland to promote her new single STARS ARE BLIND on Glasgow’s Real Radio Breakfast Show when the show’s hosts ROBIN and CAT mentioned Hilton could stay at the local Hilton. The granddaughter of hotel proprietor CONRAD HILTON called up the hotel on air, but was told she wasn’t eligible for a reduced rate. The Hilton employee said, "There is no discount I can initiate, I’m afraid."

Contact Music 

At least she did not do a, do you know who I am?


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