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Best Selfie ever!
March 2nd, 2014 under Ellen DeGeneres, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

Ellen DeGeneres took the Best Selfie Ever at the Oscars. How do I know? Because it broke Twitter! And because it is!

UPDATE: Kevin Spacey had the best response to the Best Selfie that broke Twitter and records for the most retweeted item. He said, “My photobombing gets better and better!” Between this Tweet and his quick joke at the Oscars, I think he should host the shindig next year!


June Squibb’s final plea to win the Oscar!
February 20th, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel, June Squibb, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

June Squibb received her first Oscar nomination this year at the tender age of 84 for Best Supporting Actress in Nebraska. Well yesterday when she was on Jimmy Kimmel Live she made a video explaining to the Academy voters why she should win her the award; and if I could vote for her, I would. I sincerely think she made her case for the golden statuette, don’t you?
Tune into ABC on March 2nd to see if Oscar goes home with her or one of those younger and prettier ladies.


Who will be back to host the Oscars this year?
August 2nd, 2013 under Ellen DeGeneres, Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

ABC and AMPAS announced today who will be hosting the Oscars on March 2, 2014 and it will once again be James Franco and Anne Hathaway. Just joking Ellen DeGeneres is back to MC Hollywood’s Biggest Night. Let’s hope after the 5 year break she will be ready to wow us exactly 7 months from today.
I like her, but I remember her being a dud when she hosted the shin dig the last time. Then again who hasn’t been? Here’s to hoping she does better a job the second time around then she did the first time she was a judge on American Idol.


Would Seth MacFarlane host the Oscars again?
February 26th, 2013 under Oscars, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Just over 24 hours after Seth MacFarlane hosted the Oscars, he let us know whether he would do it again. When CrusePhoto asked him on Twitter, “Would you host the #Oscars again if asked?” He Tweeted back, “No way. Lotta fun to have done it, though.”
Do you think the Academy would’ve asked him back? When it comes to the recent hosts he wasn’t as awful as Anne Hathaway and James Franco, but he wasn’t as great as when Billy Crystal was at his best or Hugh Jackman.
It is a tough job and I get why so many people would never do it again. Even the most confident come off as nervous their first time around because imagine the pressure of it all. None of them will ever have that large of an audience again and it is live so that means no do overs!


Don’t want to see the Oscar nominated movies, here’s the spoilers!
February 20th, 2013 under Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

via Huffington Post
If you are like me, then you have seen about 1 of the Oscar nominated movies and you don’t plan on seeing any more of them before Sunday or afterwards. Well The Fine Bothers have summarized 50 of those movies in 5 minutes, so now you will feel like you have suffered through, I mean watched, all of those the movies even though you haven’t. So when Argo wins, you will understand why!
Oh and you don’t have to watch this video to know why Anne Hathaway is going to win. It’s because she cut her hair for it and won’t shut up about how traumatic it was for her.


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