Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Oprah Winfrey
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OMG, Orprah Winfrey actually fixes her own toilet!
January 14th, 2014 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey has more money than Gd, but that doesn’t stop her from fixing her own toilet when it breaks. At least it appears that was in this photo that her BFF Gayle King Tweeted along with saying, “Stars they are just like us @Oprah at her other job plumber ….who knows how to fix the toilet” I guess after all of those years of Fix It people on her old talk show, she learned a thing or two.
Now I wish I would’ve watched it more often because if my toilet goes to the crapper, I call someone to fix it. Not only because I don’t know how to but because toilet water is so nasty unless I buy it in a bottle from an expensive department store!


Photo proof that rainbows really do lead to a pot of gold!
December 27th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey shared this photo from her trip to Maui and now we know it is true that all rainbows to lead to a pot of gold! I mean she is the closest thing that we have to a pot of a gold, right? You know, since she is worth that much…at least!


Caption President Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey!
November 20th, 2013 under Barack Obama, Caption the Celeb, Oprah Winfrey, Politics. [ Comments: 1 ]

This picture that Gayle King Tweeted of President Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey at today’s Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


The things Jimmy Kimmel did to share a cover with Oprah Winfrey!
November 5th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

For years Jimmy Kimmel made fun of Oprah Winfrey on his ABC late night show, but then she appeared on JKL for one of his Oscar specials and the two of them became fast friends. So much so, she sort of let him share the cover of O magazine with her. I say sort of because you have to unfold it to get to him. But once you do, you can see how hard he worked to get the honor that very few people get to have. So who is making fun of who now?
I guess we can say that one of Oprah’s Favorite Things is to show people like him who is boss? She is and don’t anybody forget it!
BTW I feel bad for David Letterman who should’ve gotten a cover with her before Kimmel. I mean how awesome would it be to see Oprah, Letterman and, throw in, Uma Thurman on the cover of O! Oprah, Uma, Dave!


Own a piece of Oprah Winfrey!
October 30th, 2013 under Auctions, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Have you ever wished that you could own something that once belonged to Oprah Winfrey? Well you can do just that this Saturday. Lady O is redecorating her palace, so she is auctioning off some of her items for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation College Fund.
If you want a piece of Oprah, then you can personally go to the auction on Saturday in Santa Barbara or you can bid on the items on the Kaminski Auctions website.
So if you want to brag to your friends and family that Oprah sat on that chair that’s now in your living room, then you better save up for Saturday’s big auction! I know I am!


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