Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Oprah Winfrey
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I guess we won’t be saying President Oprah Winfrey in 2020
March 2nd, 2017 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: 2 ]

Everyone got so excited yesterday when we heard that Oprah Winfrey was considering a run to be President of the United States in 2020, but her best friend Gayle King crushed our dreams today. She says that her BFF was joking when she declared her candidacy. Even though Lady O has the right to change her mind, the CBS This Morning co-host added, “That ain’t nevah happening!”

But in the words of Justin Bieber, “Nevah say nevah!” Maybe we can convince her, this we can all get cars and so much more! Imagine the ticket, Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama. It would be a double-O and who doesn’t love a double-O?


Donald Trump talked about running for President in 1988
September 14th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1988, Oprah Winfrey had Donald Trump on her show and she asked him if he would ever run for President. He told her, “Probably not.” Then when she asked him why, he told her, “I just don’t think, I really have the inclination to do it. I love what I am doing. I really like it.” But then he added, “I do get tired of seeing what is happening with this country. And if it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally.” Now 27 years later, he felt things are bad enough in this country that he is running for President.
As the show went on, she asked him about telling her that if he ran he would win. He responded by saying, “I think I’d win. I tell you what, I wouldn’t go in to lose. I have never gone in to lose in my life.”? Then he added, “I think I have a helluva chance of winning.”
Is he his own Nostradamus? I pray not. He scares the crap out of me. Because as you can see from this interview in 1988, he is still as pompous today as he was then. He thinks he always right and he isn’t. If he hasn’t changed in 27 years, how can we expect him to run the country when sometimes you are going to be told no by Congress, Senate and most importantly the People? You can’t.
And yes, his horrible hairstyle hasn’t changed in 27 years either. If he can’t see how bad his hairdo is in all of this time, how can we expect him to see how bad he would be for this country if he won. What President in our lifetime has had bad hair? It is important to have good hair if you are going to be the President of the United States. People need to look up to you and just not look at your hair and wonder what the hell is going on in there?


David Letterman asked Oprah Winfrey if she smokes weed!
May 17th, 2015 under David Letterman, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey was on David Letterman’s last Friday night show of The Late Show and he had a very important question for her? He asked, “With regard to the girls that you have in school in South Africa and yourself and society and culture generally, what do you think of smoking weed? Are you smoking?” Her reaction is priceless. It is like, WTF is going on here? When she comprehended what he just asked her that, she replied, “Actually no. I haven’t smoked weed in 30 years, really.”
Then the two of them exchanged stories about what they ate to feed their munchies. He ate 2 pints of ice cream and she downed a sleeve of Oreo cookies. That’s all? That ain’t nothing. But then again that is not the same stuff we have now.
BTW can you imagine them high together? That would be so much fun! I am sure he would be asking her to scream his name over and over and she would ask him to say, “Oprah Uma, Uma Oprah!” And they would laugh and laugh as they dipped their Oreos into to the ice cream!


Oprah Winfrey loves picking up doog poop!
December 18th, 2014 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: 1 ]

Oprah Winfrey was on Live with Kelly and Michael and she told Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan that she is the master of stain removal. Kelly told her she is too, so Lady O asked her what’s her secret for removing small dog diarrhea. The Queen of Daytime then shared her secret remedy before admitting that she loves to clean up her own dogs’ poop. People try to do it for her, because who would ever think that she would want to do it herself, but she won’t let them.
Just when you think you know everything about the head of OWN, you learn something new about her like this! Seriously, who would’ve thought? Certainly not me!


Ice owns Oprah Winfrey!
August 17th, 2014 under ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

For some reason people with the name Tyler in their name have it out for Oprah Winfrey. That’s because Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Tyler Perry both challenged Lady O to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and she screamed louder than when she would give away all of those gifts on her show. Louder than Tom Cruise when he declared his love for Katie Holmes. She even jumped higher than him too.
Not only was it fun to see her react like that, I love when Gayle King asks her if it is cold.
On that note has anyone seen the two Tylers and Gayle since Oprah accepted the challenge?
BTW, here’s a bonus video, watch Steven Spielberg accept her challenge. Indiana Jones would be proud of him because he didn’t do an ET and try to phone home to get out of it.


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