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Arashi’s song Party Starters is the happiest song of 2020!
November 23rd, 2020 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest with one another, 2020 has been depressing. Because of that, most of the music has trended that way too. However, we are not closing out the year that way, thanks to Arashi. The J-pop band’s latest single, Party Starters is so happy; it will make you want to get the party started.

Don’t believe, press play, then try not to jump out of your seat and dance to the tune. My cat is like, if you play that video one more time, I am going to kill you in your sleep. That is because I pick her up and make her dance with me every time. I mean, who else do we have to dance with in 2020 thanks to COVID-19.

Sadly, for my cat, I can play the single as loud and as many times as I want because it was my neighbors who told me about the record. What are they going to do, complain about me to the landlord? I will be like, but they are the ones who started the party!

So get your own party started with this ditty!

Seriously, let’s get this track trending wherever we can. I want to see y’all dance to it on TikTok. I am so over Jason Derulo’s Savage Love, Capone’s Oh No, and Black Eyed Pea’s Where Is the Love? This happy jam is screaming for people to let loose to it.


This an eclectic group of musicians for a charity single
October 20th, 2020 under Music. [ Comments: none ]

There have been a lot of group charity singles, and most of the time the pairing makes sense. Now, there is a new one, and I would love to know how it came together.

Musicians from different bands like Frank Bello from Anthrax, Ray Luzier from Korn, Bill Kelliher from Mastodon, Ivan Doroschuk from Men Without Hats, Kevin Jardine from Slaves on Dope, Dennis Lyxén from Refused, Walter Schreifels from Quicksand, Kevin Sharp from Brutal Truth, Esoteric from Czarface, Darryl McDaniels from RUN DMC, Richard Patrick from Filter, and Raine Maida from Our Lady Peace covered Faith No More’s We Care A lot.

As I said, this is a charity single. They are raising money for the Roadie Relief effort. Bands can still make money off of their music. However, the people who work at their tours cannot until we can go to concerts again. Therefore, they need money, and these musicians are telling them that they care a lot about them.

Now, let’s talk about what a bitchin’ group number that is. I cannot stop listening to it. Make sure to watch it all the way through for an Epic ending.


How does WAP look like in Sign Language?
September 14th, 2020 under Cardi B, Music. [ Comments: none ]

When I went to college, I really wanted to learn sign language so I took a course. Of course, my teacher would not teach me the dirty words. No matter how many times I begged.

Little did I know, that many years later, I would learn them when Libbey from The Daily Sign signed the lyrics from Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s WAP. Wow. I have a whole new vocabulary for ASL, and I like it.

What do you think of the song in Sign? Doesn’t it make you want to learn the language?


Pearl Jam release the uncensored music video for Jeremy
June 7th, 2020 under Music, Pearl Jam. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1992, the concept of a school shooting like the ones that happened at Columbine, Sandy Hook, or Parkland was unimaginable. Thus, showing a teen with a gun was censored by network standards and practices. Which means we never saw the full music video for Pearl Jam’s Jeremy.

Nearly 30 years later, the band felt the need to release it and they explained why. “In addition to the equity protests taking place around the country, today [June 5th] also marks National Wear Orange Day. The increase in gun violence since the debut of ‘Jeremy’ is staggering. We have released the uncensored version of the video which was unavailable in 1992 with TV censorship laws.”

While I am all about moving forward, I wish we would go back to a time when a school shooting was something we thought would never happen.

Along with the video, the band updated the Choices t-shirt. They say, “Proceeds will go to the Vitalogy Foundation to support organizations working to prevent gun violence in the United States.”

xoxo Shana!


Coronavirus Rhapsody is the best song parody of the bunch
March 31st, 2020 under Coronavirus, Music. [ Comments: none ]

There are hundreds of songs reworked for the Coronavirus, but I think Adrian Grimes’ take is the best one. It is so spot-on. It will be our new rhapsody. At least, until this crisis is over.

If you need a smile, then listen to the lyrics. Especially, when he gets to the part where he killed a man. OK. That didn’t make me smile, but it made me think. We all should think about that.


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