Did Michael Weatherly stick his finger in an electrical socket? |
February 16th, 2016 under Michael Weatherly. [ Comments: none ]

Michael Weatherly spent a relaxing day in West Hollywood, but his hair was standing on end. Like he was struck by lighting and got the shock of a lifetime. Or he came out of the shower, tried to plug in his blow dryer and he got an electrical shock. But then again, maybe that as the look he was going for. What do you think?
Maybe all he needs is Gibbs to smack his hair down, so hopefully he will do it on NCIS tonight at 8p on CBS.
Michael Weatherly prepares to weather the day! |
February 9th, 2016 under Michael Weatherly. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder what Michael Weatherly looks like in bed? Now you know, and I would like to wake up next to that every day.
Instead I fall asleep every night watching him on NCIS. I am mentally preparing that there are just few more Tuesdays at 8p that I will get to spend with DiNozzo on the CBS procedural.
On that note, can you believe they started taping their 300th episode today? Even though they have reached their 300 episode milestone, it is still the #1 drama on television. That is quite an accomplishment.
BTWF roles: Michael Weatherly on The Cosby Show |
January 5th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Michael Weatherly. [ Comments: none ]
Michael Weatherly’s erste Rolle in der Cosby Show
Before Michael Weatherly was an NCIS agent, he was a college student on The Cosby Show. How cute was the 22 year old in that 1991 episode?
Michael Weatherly is 13 and done with NCIS |
January 5th, 2016 under Michael Weatherly, NCIS. [ Comments: none ]

Michael Weatherly announced today that this will be his last season on NCIS after 13 lucky years. He Tweeted, “DiNozzo is a wonderful, quixotic character & I couldn’t have had more fun playing him over the past 13 seasons. Les Moonves & CBS gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. I will miss the amazing crew & cast, who are like family to me, & to the fans all over the world – THANK YOU, it’s been a fantastic ride!”
We will miss him too because DiNozzo is the heart of the show.
Personally, I thought that Mark Harmon would leave the show before him. Are you as surprised as I am that he is departing TV’s #1 drama?
Michael Weatherly’s is sunny side up! |
August 13th, 2015 under CBS, Michael Weatherly. [ Comments: none ]

NCIS is one of those shows where the male actors don’t have to take off their shirts, which is a shame after looking at this photo of Michael Weatherly. Seriously wouldn’t you like to see DiNozzo topless on the #1 show more often? I know I would and you don’t have to slap the back of my head for me to see that.
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