Watching this video that was acquired by CNN of Michael Jackson rehearsing for his 50 London dates 2 days before he died makes me even more sad because you can see he was back to when he was his best. He was moving like he used to and his voice sounded great singing They Don’t Care About Us. Sadly he died before he really got to know we did care about him. So devastating.
Just like when his former-father-in-law Elvis Presley died almost 32 years ago, people are now claiming that they have seen Michael Jackson alive and well according to The Sun. It was inevitable that The King of Pop would have the same effect as The King by leaving us too soon and that their fans would still see them even though they are gone. Unlike when Elvis died we are now living in the computer age, so you have sites like Michael Jackson Sighting posting the above picture that they claim was taken on June 25th. And then there are sites like Michael Jackson Death Hoax with all these theories that he faked his death. One site says he is in Eastern Europe while another says he was seen heading down to Mexico. I just love all these conspiracy theories. Let’s be real if Michael Jackson was really still alive, I don’t think the most popular man in the world with that face could be in hiding for long. But hey whatever gets his fan through this. I just can’t wait for all the tabs like The Globe to start publishing MJ sightings. Does anyone remember the last time we saw Elvis? Maybe they are hanging together after all Michael Jackson was married to his daughter Lisa Marie Presley for a while?
Janet Jackson represented The Jackson Family last night at the BET Awards and in her short speech she will bring/brought tears to your eyes as soon as you see her. As she said, to us he is an icon, but to her he is family. Hopefully our love and support will get her family through this horrible time.
While we felt her pain, her father Joe Jackson’s not-so-much during this interview on the red carpet at the Awards with CNN where he made sure to plug his record company.
Last night Bruno premiered in LA, but the scene with LaToya Jackson was edited from the film after her brother’s death according to the Wall Street Journal.
During the scene, the character Bruno, played by comic Sacha Baron Cohen, creates a pretext to copy Michael Jackson’s telephone number from Ms. Jackson’s BlackBerry.
The edit appears to have been made on the fly, in the few hours between the pop star’s afternoon death and the 7:30 pm premiere.
As of now Universal does not plan on adding the scene back in before the movie comes out on July 10th.
I am so happy that both Universal and Bruno decided to respect Michael Jackson and edit the scene out.
This is the saddest post, I have posted in my 3 years of blogging. Michael Jackson passed away today at the age of 50 from a cardiac arrest. What more can I say, but what a true genius he was and I hope he is happy and free in heaven. Something he really never was here on this earth.
I just can’t say anymore, today is a sad sad sad day.