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Proof Country music sounds alike?
January 9th, 2015 under Luke Bryan, Music. [ Comments: 1 ]

Sometimes if you are not familiar with a genre of music, it all sounds alike to you.
Well, Sir Mashalot took six Country songs and mashed them all together as one song. If you didn’t know it was six different singles, you would swear it was just one. How scary is that?
So listen to Sure Be Cool If You Did by Blake Shelton, Drunk on You by Luke Bryan, Chillin’ It by Cole Swindell, Close Your Eyes by Parmalee, This is How We Roll by Florida Georgia Line and Ready, Set, Roll by Chase Rice as one tune and see if you can tell them apart. I mean the voices sound different, but the melody sounds the same.
BTW is it wrong, I want to see more people do this with other types of music like Rock’n’Roll, Jazz, Pop and Rap to name a few for starters?
xoxo Jen!


Luke Bryan’s crotch attracts light!
August 8th, 2014 under Luke Bryan, Music. [ Comments: none ]

Luke Bryan was on Good Morning America today and he posed for a picture to let the world know what his hashtag is for the performance. But I wasn’t looking at the sign, I was looking at the ball of light by his, you know, balls. Who knew he had flashlight down there? The last time I saw a guy’s, you know, light up like that, was when we tried a glow-in-the-dark condom. Although my guy’s, you know, didn’t have the angelic glow that the Country singer’s does in this photo.


Luke Bryan and the stage have a falling out!
May 30th, 2014 under Celeb Oops, Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]

Luke Bryan has a habit of falling off the stage and yesterday he did it again while playing a show in Charlotte, NC. The country singer went to take a step forward, but misjudged how much of the stage was left in front of him. So down he went. Now he might’ve been down, but he definitely wasn’t out because he got right on up and continued with the show. Even making jokes about his latest tumble.
Even though his fall was scary, he told his fans on Twitter “I’m good. Few stitches.” So thankfully, he lives another day to fall again!


Luke Bryan caught cheating while singing the National Anthem
July 11th, 2012 under Luke Bryan, Music. [ Comments: none ]

Luke Bryan was given the honor of singing the National Anthem at the Baseball All-Star game. So today you would think that everyone would be saying how great his rendition was, but all people are talking about is how he wrote some of the lyrics on his hand. The singer took to Twitter to explain himself by saying, “Morning everyone. I really wanna explain the national anthem performance from last night. I had a few keys words written down to insure myself that I wouldn’t mess up. I just wanted to do my best. I promise it was from the heart. If I offended anyone with my approach I sincerely apologize. Anytime I sing the anthem it is an honor and my heart beats out of my chest. I did check my watch because I knew the stealth bomber would fly over 2 minutes in and I knew a started a little late. Being a part of the all star game was amazing and I look forward to the next time I can perform the anthem. Thanks y’all. Love ya”
You know what, I don’t think he did anything wrong. How many of you know every word of that song off the top of your head. Now imagine doing it all by yourself with millions of people watching. You would do the same thing that he did to make sure you get every word right. I am surprised more people who are given that opportunity don’t do the same thing. If I did it I would need a huge teleprompter with every word listed to make sure I don’t screw it up. And I bet you I would still miss a word or two.
Now when it comes to Bryan, I am not a fan of his for being real and not taking such an honor for granted.


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