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Luke Bryan made an 88-year-old woman’s dream come true!
July 26th, 2017 under Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]

I do not know what it is about Luke Bryan, but I really like him. Here is another example of why. According to Action 41 News Francis Stanaway, is a huge fan of the Country singer and on Friday night he made the terminal 88-year-old woman’s dream come true when he spent some time with her before his Kansas Show. In fact, he made it so special for her, he even broke one of his rules just for her. He let he hot mama touch his butt! By the looks of their faces, both of them had a night they will soon not forget!


Jimmy Fallon and Luke Bryan sing about Gyros!
March 14th, 2017 under Jimmy Fallon, Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]

When I was growing up we pronounced Gyros as jie-rows, but then as I got older I was told they were pronounced yer-os. And to this day, I still don’t know how to pronounce it.

I am not the only one because yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon and Luke Bryan wrote a country song about it. A song that anyone who loves the lamb meat wrap will love to sing over and over. Especially when they order one.

I don’t know about you, but I am totally craving Gyro!


Which one is Luke Bryan and which one is his wax figure?
March 2nd, 2017 under Luke Bryan, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, I posted a photo of Blake Shelton’s wax statute at Madame Tussauds and it looks like nothing like him.

Today, I am sharing a photo of Luke Bryan with his lifesize candle at Madame Tussauds in NYC and I can’t tell them apart. They are total twins. Can you tell the difference between them? I say it is the one not holding the guitar. Or is he the one holding it? I am so confused. Help me!


Will Luke Bryan repeat his MLB All-Star mistake at the Super Bowl?
January 24th, 2017 under Luke Bryan, Super Bowl. [ Comments: 4 ]

Back in 2012, Luke Bryan sang the National Anthem at the MLB’s All-Star game and his performance was newsworthy. That’s because the Country singer wrote some of the lyrics on his hand in case he forgot a word or two. He did and the cameras caught him glancing at his hand while he was singing to the packed crowd on National television.
Well it is 2017, and he us getting a redo at a much bigger venue next month. He is going to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl.
Part of me, is hoping he has a repeat of that Baseball performance because I have liked him ever since then. But the other part of me doesn’t want see him fail.
Which are you rooting for?


Luke Bryan won’t let a broken collarbone stop him!
October 9th, 2016 under Luke Bryan. [ Comments: none ]

On Thursday, shortly before Luke Bryan was to go on the stage, he was in a bike accident. The singer broke his collarbone and bruised his hip, but the show must go on and it did. He has still been taking the stage every night as though nothing, making him a rough and tough cowboy that ain’t going to let a broken arm, break the hearts of his fans.


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