Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lindsay Lohan
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Lindsay Lohan had drugs and alcohol in her system during the crash?
June 28th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from X17 Online
TMZ is reporting that the toxicology reports are in for the night that Lindsay Lohan got into her car accident and the news is not good for her.
According to multiple law enforcement sources, toxicology reports conclude that Lohan, 20, had "nearly twice the legal limit" of alcohol and traces of blow in her bloodstream when she crashed her 2005 Mercedes SL-65 convertible into a curb on Sunset Blvd. around 5:30 AM on May 26. In California, drivers with a .08 or higher are legally drunk.
The Beverly Hills Police Department could present their case to the LA District Attorney's Office in the next few days. Wonder if they will go easier on her because she has pretty much been in rehab ever since the accident or if they will throw the book at her to make an example? Hopefully this is a message to young Hollywood to stop drinking, doing drugs and driving.

WTF Lindsay Lohan to play Paris Hilton???
June 27th, 2007 under Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

 (photo from Dlisted)
Here is the strangest rumor of the day according to ITN…they are reporting that Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play Paris Hilton in a biopic. Wait it gets even stranger, "There have already been negotiations with a major film company to make the Paris Hilton Biopic with Lindsay Lohan playing Paris – and Paris herself and Britney Spears singing the soundtrack." Seriously what do you say to that, except that I hope it happens because you know it will be so bad it will be great!!!

Jamie Lee Curtis blogs about Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan
June 11th, 2007 under Britney Spears, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

As the denouement of a really upsetting celebrity scandal came to its close, a tearful child pleaded to her mother… "Mom, it's not right."

It was a painful episode to watch. A young woman, begging her mother, the person who should have taught her right from wrong, to help her, to teach her the rules of life. It was a little too late. And so she wept as the Universe was bringing the teaching and settling the score.

I'm in no glass house. I understand only too well the pitfalls of maternal amnesia and denial. I am not throwing stones but merely a lifesaver, a buoy of sanity and understanding.

"My analyst told me, that I was right out of my head," Joni Mitchell sang in the song "Twisted." I was twisted. I am twisted. I am deluded that my attempts at being liked and loved by my children and friends with them — all at the same time — were going to result in "well raised children." We were the generation that would take the job of raising our children and turn it into… PARENTING. We were the generation who applauded every move they made. Every step they took. "Good climbing, Brandon" was our hue and cry. We were raised by people who didn't "understand" us and now we don't "understand" why our children are so messed up.

It is a national epidemic. Omnipotent children running amok or sitting amok as they watch TV and play electronic games and shop on eBay.

The sad paths of the three most popular young women — privileged but from varying backgrounds, talented, beautiful and spectacular — have ended in prison, rehab and mental illness. I hope their mothers are worried sick and wondering, "What could I have done differently?" And our culture should be asking the same question too.

What we need to do is look long and hard at our part in all this. Where did our children get the message that the rules don't apply to them? And where did we, the Mothers, get the message that if we abdicate our responsibilities as Mothers, the Universe will do our job for us? And it does, but without any of the love and tenderness and compassion that we could have given, along with the lessons.

Now it's just the cold hard facts of a jail cell or the emptiness of a rehab room.

I'm not pointing fingers. I'm asking questions.

Can we take the wrenching sight of Paris asking her mother, "why?" and ask it of ourselves?

My analyst told me this: "Children are paparazzi. They take your picture mentally when you don't want them to, when you don't look good, and show it back to you in their behavior."

Let's hope that we all learn what is RIGHT and what is so WRONG.

Wake up, Mothers and smell the denial.

Jamie Lee Curtis on Huffington Post (blog) and Us Weekly (photo) 

She is so right! Dina Lohan and Kathy Hilton seem to be living their lives through their daughters and not being mothers to them. I think Britney's mother just lost control of her the bigger she got and never told her no. Future stage moms need to look at these women and realize that is not the correct way to raise your kids.  


Lindsay Lohan’s 21st birthday party is still on
June 6th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from News of the World
Come hell or high water, Lindsay Lohan is still going through with her 21st birthday party according to Access Hollywood. They are saying that even rehab won't stop her, she would leave rehab just to have her party. Her advisers are telling her to cancel the party she still wants to have a big blowout for her 21st on July 2nd. Before she into rehab she told Ellen Degeneres what she wanted, “I’m going to milk it,. “It’s a big birthday and I think it's been a long time in coming for my friends in LA who have clubs … [soon they won’t] have to worry about getting in trouble because I’m underage.” 
Hopefully the more time she spends in rehab the less she will care about her big blowout, but we are talking Lindsay Lohan, so you know this party is going to be off the hook. Can we say hire a driver for the night?

Shocking Lindsay Lohan photos
June 3rd, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 2 ]

News of the World posted these shocking photos of Lindsay Lohan 4 months before she entered rehab. A source told the paper, "These photos are very worrying. Lindsay is so out of control. She should not be left within a million miles of a knife. The states Lindsay gets herself into she is lucky to be alive."
A source also revealed that she while she is in rehab she has allegedly been talking about her old friends Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie:
PARIS HILTON: "In one of her group meetings she yelled that her friend Paris was a coke whore and couldn't believe how stupid she'd been driving while banned. She said, ‘Paris thinks she's above everyone. She's not. Paris is a stupid cow and deserves what she gets'."
NICOLE RICHIE: Next she scathingly attacked actress Nicole. "She saw a woman who is bulimic and said, ‘She's like Nicole. What problems does Nicole have? The girl just needs to eat. Period'."
A friend of hers also talked about her obsessions, "She just got so carried away with bedding men like Jude and James Blunt she couldn't stop going out. She was hooked on pulling those kinds of men and took drugs to give her the confidence to approach them. She needs help to stop her obsession."
While I am not sure how much of this true because it is NOTW, I just hope that Lindsay is getting the help she needs and she takes rehab  seriously. It is so sad to see a 20 year old girl with a promising future throw it away.  

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