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Lindsay Lohan is red hot
June 6th, 2012 under Lifetime, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Lifetime has released a new photo of Lindsay Lohan as Dame Elizabeth Taylor and she is red hot. No matter how Liz and Dick turns out, I think she keep her hair this color and cut it short. Doesn’t she look better like the legend than she does her normal self?


Lindz as Liz
June 4th, 2012 under Lifetime, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

(Photo Credit to Richard McLaren/Lifetime)

Lifetime has released the first picture of Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor and in this photo she looks like the Hollywood legend.
Production began today on the much talked about telemovie Liz and Dick and photos have been leaked on the net all day today. So I guess to counter that Lifetime released the first official photo of Lohan with Grant Bowler as Richard Burton and what a picture it is. It will be interesting to see if the movie can live up to the hot steamy affair that 20th Century Fox’s Anthony and Cleopatra had back in the day. I mean what those two had was so taboo we got a city out of it here in LA.
I am sincerely curious to see how Liz and Dick turns out when it airs later this year. I just hope that Lindz can do Liz justice because I am not sure she can.
BTW is it just me or does the photo look more like it is a for Vampire flick than Liz and Dick? I mean doesn’t it look like he is trying to suck the blood out her neck like a Vampire would?


Lindsay Lohan is totally crazy to guest on Glee, right?
March 27th, 2012 under Glee, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Last year when Gwyneth Paltrow guest starred on Glee and made a joke about Lindsay Lohan. Well her L-Lo’s mom was not happy with the show saying her daughter is totally crazy. Well that was a year ago and all seems to be forgiven because the actress is in talks to play herself in the Nationals episode according to TV Line.
I think this casting my the final nail in the coffin for me to give up this show.
Remember when Ryan Murphy said there wouldn’t be any stunt castings or musician themed episodes? Well guess what he lied just like he always seems to do.


Lindsay Lohan is a Debbie Downer to a Jimmy Fallon joke!
October 29th, 2011 under Jimmy Fallon, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 3:30 in)

Yesterday during his monologue on Late Night, Jimmy Fallon made a joke about Lindsay Lohan and she didn’t like it. As soon as she heard his zinger she Tweeted, “@jimmyfallon watching your show right now, mean joke about me 🙁 & not nearly as funny as my favorite snl skit I’ve ever done… With you.. ‘DEBBIE DOWNER’ also ‘Harry Potter'”
Even though she didn’t like the funny, it made me laugh! I mean it’s true the only way you can see at her a movie theater these days is if they serve alcohol because I don’t see anyone in Hollywood hiring her anytime soon. Not saying they ever won’t, but for the foreseeable time she is already booked with the dead.


Do Lindsay Lohan and Marilyn Manson have something to tell us?
May 16th, 2011 under Do they have something to tell us?, Lindsay Lohan, Marilyn Manson. [ Comments: none ]

Lindsay Lohan and Marilyn Manson came out for the DeLeon Tequila Two Year Anniversary and I wonder if they have something to tell us? I mean, he is giving us the universal symbol for oral sex, which totally grosses me out. Almost as much as picturing him performing the act on her. Yes I pictured it, and I know you did too.
Is there something going on between them? Probably not and it was just a photo op that he decided to do a pose normally does that he thinks is sexy. I don’t, but he does.


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