Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lindsay Lohan
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Lindsay Lohan has a new mug shot to add to her collection!
November 28th, 2012 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Lindsay Lohan was arrested again this morning, and it was not for Liz & Dick. The most arrested Hollywood star was taken in by the police for allegedly fighting with a patron at a night club in Manhattan. According to WNBC police said that she punched another woman in the face. As of now the actress isn’t talking, she is waiting for her lawyer to come to her aid. At least she learned something from all of her arrests, don’t talk until your lawyer is with you. Now when is she is going to learn to stay out of bars in the middle of the night?

UPDATE: TMZ has video of her being taken away by the cops from the nightclub at 4a.


Liz & Dick makes it triumph debut tonight!
November 25th, 2012 under Lifetime, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p the most anticipated TV Movie of the year debuts on Lifetime and you don’t want to miss Liz & Dick!
The biggest problem with Liz & Dick is not Lindsay Lohan’s acting, but the fact that it is like an ’80s biopic miniseries condensed into a 2 hour movie. That means that each scene is about a minute long and you are exhausted by the end of it because it goes by so fast. If this were a 6-hour miniseries; then it would be Lindsay’s acting holding it back, but since it isn’t it just feels like a big rush to cover the love affair without covering it all.
Liz & Dick tells their story from the day they met until they got married for a second time. So we see how Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton hate each other at first, but then you watch as the two of them have one of Hollywood’s greatest love affairs.
The telemovie spends a lot of time on the filming of Cleopatra, but skips over how much trouble it was to get the movie released because of their affair. The two of them are seen filming another movie together, but they neglected all the other movies they filmed as a couple during that time. You see them spend time with their kids, but you never find out they adopted a child when they were married. A big moment in Richard Burton’s life and his decline was when his brother feel down some steps at his house and was left paralyzed. His brother’s eventual death from it, is what is rumored to have caused him to drink uncontrollably but the film just mentions the accident and his death without any consequences. In fact it doesn’t explain what split them up the first time. Although it touches very quickly what brought them together for a second time.
Seriously this telemovie is so rushed, I bet there will be commercials that will air during it that will be longer than most of the scenes in the movie.
So what about Lindsay’s acting, she looks the role but she doesn’t sound it. Lohan can only do one accent, her own. So throughout the whole movie all you hear is her instead of voice closer to Liz’s. Can I say her acting is bad, not really because there is barely any acting it because it is so rushed.
There are two major complaints I have about Lohan in the movie. Lindsay smokes in about the half the movie, yes it was the times, but it was like come on put the cigarette down. Richard Burton was rumored to smoke around 100 cigs a day, yet Grant Bowler is barely seen smoking in it. The other problem is when Lohan dresses up as old Dame Elizabeth Taylor. She looks like a little girl trying to play a senior citizen on Halloween with a cheap wig. It is just so awful, you will find yourself laughing instead of crying. We should be crying because it is when we find out that Burton died, but it is so fast you don’t even shed a tear.
Now I have to say something nice about the movie, the chemistry between Lohan and Bowler is believable. Bowler does the best he can do in a sh!tty situation.
No matter what anyone tells you about the movie, you know you are going to watch to see if it is as bad as we all say. So I have come up with two drinking games for you to play. Game 1: every time Lindsay smokes, drink and every time she cries, chug. Game 2: every time they change a scene, drink. If you opt to play either game, then run to Trader Joe’s and get a case of Two Buck Chuck because everyone who plays the game is going to need a least bottle to get through the movie.
So have fun tonight watching Liz & Dick because it definitely is an experience!


Bret Easton Ellis has less than zero tolerance for Lindsay Lohan
October 18th, 2012 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Shortly after Lindsay Lohan finished shooting Liz & Dick, she started filming The Canyons. Well the cameras stopped rolling on that movie a few months ago, but that doesn’t mean she was done working on it. Last night Bret Easton Ellis went all American Psycho on her when he Tweeted this “Patrick Bateman has just headed over to Lindsay Lohan’s hotel to confront her as to why she missed her fucking ADR on ‘The Canyons’ today…” No reason was given why she didn’t show up for work, but let’s be real it is just Lindsay being Lindsay.
BTW who else thinks that maybe she needs someone like Patrick Bateman to finally get her life into much needed shape.


Lindsay Lohan in a movie ‘where sex is as cheap as the budget’
October 8th, 2012 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

The teaser trailer is out for The Canyons and I have no words to describe Lindsay Lohan’s latest failure. I mean what do you say after that? Tell me!


Grant Bowler deserves the Emmy for what he said about Lindsay Lohan!
September 27th, 2012 under Lifetime, Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Some behind-the-scenes footage was released by Lifetime for Liz & Dick and I think Grant Bowler deserves the Emmy for what he said about his co-star Lindsay Lohan. I actually believe he meant everything he said when we hear him say, “Lindsay is excellent to work with. She’s pretty much Elizabeth Taylor reincarnated.” Now even though he sounds like he is being truthful, was anyone else wondering if they were holding a gun to his head to make him say those words. Either that or he is the greatest actor out there. I am sure it is the latter, but I enjoy thinking it is the first.
BTW I can’t wait to get the screener for this movie. I haven’t been this excited since Jersey Shore Shark Attack and I am sure this movie will be equally as awesomely bad! November can’t come soon enough!


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