Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lenny Kravitz
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Is Lenny Kravitz really 59?
August 11th, 2023 under Are they really their age?, Lenny Kravitz. [ Comments: 1 ]

Lenny Kravitz shared a photo of himself with his shirt open, and I can’t stop staring at his perfect abs. How does that body belong to a 59-year-old man when men a third his age can’t even look half as good as him?

Whatever he is doing is working, and he shouldn’t stop. Mostly so that all the American women can admire his physique.


Thank you, Lenny Kravitz
January 5th, 2023 under Lenny Kravitz. [ Comments: 8 ]

Lenny Kravitz shared a half-naked photo of himself. As in the left side of his body. And today is a very good day.

That is all because his beautiful physique has left this American Woman speechless!


So that is how Lenny Kravitz gets his chiseled abs?
July 28th, 2021 under Lenny Kravitz. [ Comments: none ]

Lenny Kravitz shared a photo of himself with his shirt open. At first glance, I thought that his chiseled abs are fake. I mean, his six-pack is so toned it looks like the ones that were CGIed on a superhero.

Then I saw the other photo of him using a jackhammer, and it all made sense. That and I would like him to jackhammer me with that body. Hey, I am American Woman who doesn’t want to stay away from him.


Did A-Rod hear the rumors that J-Lo is rebounding with Lenny Kravitz?
March 26th, 2021 under A-Rod, Lenny Kravitz. [ Comments: none ]

A few weeks ago, there were rumors that A-Rod and J-Lo broke up. Then within 24 hours, they denied it. However, the rumors continued on.

Jennifer Lopez is in the Dominican Republic filming Shotgun Wedding with Lenny Kravitz. There have been rumors that the actress might be hooking up with her co-star. Of course, no one is confirming nor denying it.

Today, the singer shared a photo of himself looking like he just got into a huge fight? Did Alex Rodriquez do that to him? Nope! It was for the movie. That is a good thing because I don’t want anything to happen to Kravitz’s handsome mug.


Did you know Stephen Dorff sings on Lenny Kravitz’s American Woman?
December 10th, 2019 under Andy Cohen, Lenny Kravitz. [ Comments: none ]

When we think of Stephen Dorff, we know of him as the actor who starred in movies like The Gate and Backbeat. Turns out he also sang on a song we all know.

Yesterday when he was on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, a viewer wanted to know if his vocals are on Lenny Kravtiz’s American Woman. Guess what, you can hear his voice on the track. Do you know that grunt at the beginning? Well, that is him.

How did that happen? The two men are friends and Dorff went to visit Kravitz in the studio. Then the singer invited him into the booth, asked him to grunt and the rest is music history.

Musicians if you need grunter, Dorff is available for your songs.

To hear his grunt on the single, then click here!


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