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Glee’s Lea Michele’s mea culpa
May 10th, 2010 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

So last week Glee’s mini-Idina Menzel aka Lea Michele (I recently learned that was her name) was at the Time 100 Gala and according to photographer Patrick McMullan she was a major diva to him. According to NY Mag, she was busy making out with her boyfriend (you can see the picture here) when the famed photographer started taking pictures of her. I guess because she is kind of new on the scene and she did just get bangs and she was sucking face with her boyfriend so he couldn’t see her face, he didn’t know who she was so he asked her. Here is what NY Mag said happened next…

Patrick McMullan: What’s your name?
Lea Michele: [Rolls eyes.] Sarah Palin.
Patrick McMullan: [Laughs.] No, really, tell me your name.
Lea Michele: Taylor Swift.
Patrick McMullan: Fuck you.

Fast forward to today, 5 days after the story broke, Lea Michele took to Twitter to apologize.

Big apology to @PatrickMcMullan. Totally didn’t expect you (or anyone) @Time 100 to know who I was w/all the amazin people there:)
Made a silly joke that didn’t go over, so sorry. It was such an incredible night and I was beyond honored and thrilled to be there:)

Well if she keeps those unfunny jokes, not only will no one know who she is but no one will care.
So now that you have read her Tweets…do you think it truly was a joke or do you think it was damage control?


Idina Menzel and her mini-me Lea Michele
April 13th, 2010 under Glee, Lea Michele, RENT. [ Comments: 1 ]

The best part of having Idina Menzel on Glee is we finally get to see her with her mini-me Lea Michelle, the bad part is that she is not playing her mom. Why they didn’t cast her as the surrogate who carried her for her two dads is beyond me because doesn’t Rachel remind you of the Wicked star? I have called her mini-Idina Menzel for the longest time, actually I still do. Seriously don’t they look exactly alike?
I am hoping Glee surprises us and Idina winds up being her mom instead of the director of the opposing Glee choir because could you imagine how awesome that storyline will be and where they can go with it?


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