As we all know nothing, and I do mean nothing, is off limits for The Kardashians. Case in point yesterday Khloe Kardashian appeared on her sisters’ show Kourtney and Kim Take Miami and she tried in, I mean on, a pair of Ben Wa Balls. You know the ones that Christian Grey forced Anastasia Steele to put inside of her before she went to dinner at his parents. But unlike The Fifty Shades of Grey innocent leading lady, Mrs Odom got her balls stuck up there. In fact they were so stuck that Kourtney had to help her younger sister get them out.
What else is there to say on this matter because the video speaks for itself and I really wish it was on mute.
UPDATE: I am posting the whole episode because at 33:00 in Kourtney and Kim ask Khloe to smell their pee on a towel after a week of drinking pineapple juice. The two older sisters wanted to know who had the sweeter smelling vajayjay. I will never ever drink a Pina Colada or a Malibu Pineapple ever again.
Thanks to Michael for telling me what came later in the episode. Although I am not sure, I really want to thank him.
Fame Flynet
Kim Kardashian has always has has a big butt, but with pregnancy it hasn’t gotten so much huger. While some women look like they are carrying in their boobs, she looks like she is doing it in her a$$. I mean she is 5 months along and her tushy is bigger than her belly. Imagine the size of it when she ready to give birth…
Almost 2 week ago on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show he did a segment where Kim Kardashian’s future baby found out who their parents are going to be. Just as you would expect when they realized the awful truth that Kanye West is their dad and Kim is their mom, they made a epic run for it. For the last 13 days the fetus has been no where to be found. That was until yesterday when they were spotted by some cops. After making an escape from them on a dog and then a skateboard, they found a blimp and took the skies. Eventually they were spotted in Conan’s studios, but got away before anyone could catch them. Then the host said, “Sure, he might not have loved being Kim and Kanye’s baby. But that is incredible, he is willing to give up hundreds of millions of dollars and a life of absolute luxury.” Since the fetus was in earshot, when they heard what Conan said they made a mad dash back into their mother’s womb. Can anyone say they blame the baby? If Macaulay Culkin can get emancipation from his parents when he was still a minor, then maybe Kimye’s baby can get it too when they are born in July. By then they will already be worth more than you and can make a good living on their own!
BTW I kept the sex of the baby gender neutral because I think she looks like she is carrying a girl. She seems to be filling out all over and not just in her belly. But then again that is an old wives tale.
BTW tune into Conan tonight on TBS at 11p for a very special episode. The late night show has been taken over by fan made videos based on how they see it. Should be a lot of fun and different than anything else we have ever seen.
Kim Kardashian is pregnant with her first child and her pregnancy boobs are starting to show. Unlike most women whose breasts get fuller, it appears that Kim’s are sagging like an old woman’s do. At this rate I think she is going to need her baby bump to hold those things up because they look like they are already down to her belly.
In case you have been living under a rock Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are having a child together in July, but how does that baby feel about having them for parents? Well yesterday on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show at 11p, we got our answer and it’s just what you would expect. As soon as they found who their mommy and daddy is going to be, they ran like OJ Simpson did all those years ago! And can anyone say they blame him or her? I would do the same, wouldn’t you?