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Kim Kardashian won’t wax North’s eyebrows for another 2 years!
December 17th, 2013 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian Tweeted the first real closeup picture of North West yesterday and people started saying that she waxed the 6 month old’s eyebrows. Well she took the Twitter today to declare that she won’t do it until her daughter is at least 2 and 1/2 years old. Wait, what? She then followed up that Tweet with, “I’m kidding!!! Its pretty sick for people to insinuate that I would wax my daughters eyebrows. They are thick, natural and amazing!”
I don’t think she waxed North’s eyebrows and when it comes to will she do it when the baby is a toddler? Let’s be real her show is on E! and Toddlers and Tiaras in on TLC and that kind of thing only happens on the latter network.


Kim Kardashian loves the way her daughter smiles!
December 16th, 2013 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian took part in an online Q&A yesterday and answered some questions from her biggest fans. Someone asked her, what is her favorite thing about her daughter, North West. She told that person that she loves the way she smells and smiles; and today she shared a picture of that happy little face. You can see why it is one of her favorite things because how cute is that 6 month old?


Bruce Jenner might remove one of the things that shows he’s a man
December 12th, 2013 under Caitlyn Jenner, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

TMZ has a big scoop, Bruce Jenner is thinking of going under the knife again to remove one of the things that makes him look distinctly like a man. Not his pen!s, but he is thinking of shaving down his Adam’s Apple. He told TMZ that he was seeing the plastic surgeon about fixing the surgery he got to remove the skin cancer on his nose and consulted the doctor about getting a Laryngeal Shave. So why is he thinking of doing something that is mostly done by men going through a sex change? He told them, “I just never liked my trachea.”
I didn’t think that the former Olympian could leave me speechless, but this operation leaves me without anything to say.


Konan dekoded the Kardashian Kristmas Kard!
December 4th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

We have all seen this year’s gaudy Kardashian Kristmas Kard, but did you notice the secret message? Well Conan O’Brien figured it out and he shared it with the viewers of his TBS late night show yesterday. So watch the video above and see if you agree with the hidden message? I know I do!


The ugliest Kristmas Kard ever
December 2nd, 2013 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

via E!
It is that time of year again for the Kardashian Kristmas Kard and the women washed those men right out of their hair. Well except for Bruce Jenner who was confined in a glass jail in this “family” photo. I actually didn’t recognize him as the cashier, but I did recognize him from his Wheaties box. So where Scott Disick, Lamar Odom, Kanye West and Rob Kardashian? They were probably in a room together excited that they didn’t have to take part in that ugly mess that looks like Vegas was attacked by Kardanado.


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