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Is that Khloé Kardashian or Lindsay Lohan?
April 1st, 2024 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

It is a new month. So, it is time for Khloé Kardashian to have a new face.

So, for April 2024, gone is the blonde hair, and now she is a redhead—just like Lindsay Lohan. Not only do the locks match, but so does the face.

Let’s do a poll. Who do you think Khloé will look like in May?


Kim Kardashian says she is so much worse than a monster
March 20th, 2024 under American Horror Story, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

The trailer is out for the second part of American Horror Story: Delicate. In it, we see Kim Kardashian kiss Emma Roberts. And I thought that was going to be the headline.

However, good things come to those who wait. At the end of the teaser, Roberts tells Kardashian, “You’re a monster.” And she responds with, “Oh, no, babe. I am so much worse than that.”

Does anyone want to deny that?


Is it just me, or does Khloé Kardashian look like Alicia Silverstone? 
March 18th, 2024 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

I say this all the time, but it seems like every month, Khloé Kardashian has a new face. She has looked like so many different celebrities like Denise Richards, Blake Lively, Tara Ried, and Kelly Ripa, to name a few.

In her latest Instagram post, she looks like Alicia Silverstone in Clueless. And I wonder if her kids are clueless that she is their mom when she walks in the door.

I know I would.

Let’s play a game. Who do you think she will look like next?


Khloé Kardashian face #411
March 14th, 2024 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know about you, but it seems like Khloé Kardashian has a different face every month. And since it is a new month, she showed off her face of the month.

Usually, she looks like a different celebrity. However, this time around, I don’t know who she looks like. But I know one thing. She doesn’t look like herself.

If it wasn’t for her mole, I would have thought this was an imposter.

Who do you think she looks like?


Khloé Kardashian or Denise Richards?
January 24th, 2024 under Denise Richards, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

So, I follow Denise Richards and Khloé Kardashian on Instagram. And when I am scrolling through the pictures, I don’t always read the names.

Therefore, when I saw this photo, I thought it was Real Housewife. But, I thought to myself, why is she wearing so many clothes? Then I kept swiping through the photos, and I was like, that is Khloé.

Now, I am wondering if they went to the same plastic surgeon because they look so much alike.

But then again, Khloé is always looking like someone else, like Kelly Ripa, Lindsay Lohan, and Blake Lively.


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