Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Kardashians
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Would you vote for Kris Jenner as President of the United States?
June 24th, 2022 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kris Jenner announced that she is running for President of the United States. So would you vote for her? I would choose her over Trump, but that isn’t saying much.

And what I will say is this was bound to happen. First, her ex-son-in-law ran for POTUS. Then her ex-husband (is that what Caitlyn Jenner is to her) ran for Governor of California. Both campaigns were epic fails, so she just wants to show them how it is done.

As of now, she says this is a joke. But didn’t we think that when Kanye West declared he was running?


Kim Kardashian scolds her sons on The Tonight Show
June 22nd, 2022 under Jimmy Fallon, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian is promoting her new business venture, and she appeared on The Tonight Show yesterday. She decided to bring her two little Kanyes with her, and the mom had to scold Saint, 6, and Psalm, 3, because they were making too much noise in the audience. Eventually, the nanny took out the toddler, and her oldest son stayed for the rest of the interview.

Now that the mom could focus on herself like she always does, she was able to tell Jimmy Fallon how her older daughter, North, wanted a “spooky wilderness-themed birthday party.” You see, the 9-year-old is into movie special effects, and she wanted her friends to learn how to draw scars on mannequin heads. So they went camping and drew cuts on a bunch of fake heads.

I grew up on Horror, and even I would never let my kid do that for their 9th birthday. And I know I would be a fucked up mom. It is not my place to judge her parenting, but… Maybe Kardashian should spend more time with her kids and less on vacationing and working.


Khloé Kardashian looks more like her mom than herself
June 16th, 2022 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

The thing I liked most about Khloé Kardashian is that she didn’t look like the rest of her family. Because of that, she stood out.

However, over the last year, Khloé’s face has kept changing. Now, she looks just like her mother, Kris. So much so, in this photo, it feels like someone cloned the mother’s face on top of her daughter’s with photoshop.

Am I the only one thinking that, or are you seeing it too?


Kim Kardashian would eat poop to look young
June 1st, 2022 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian/Instagram

We know that Kim Kardashian would do anything to be beautiful, and now thanks to an interview with The New York Times, we know exactly how far she is willing to go.

She told the paper, “If you told me that I literally had to eat poop every single day and I would look younger, I might. I just might.”

Does it surprise anyone? I mean, she lost 16 pounds in a few weeks to fit into a dress worn by Marilyn Monroe. People were shocked by her admission, and she pointed out to the paper that Christain Bale and Renée Zellweger lost and gained weight for roles. So, in her mind, she thought it was the same thing.

So what would’ve happened if Kardashian didn’t lose the weight, “I just simply couldn’t have gone, which wouldn’t have mattered.” Then she added, “It was just important to me to reach that goal.”

I mean, almost all of us have lost weight to fit into something for a wedding or a reunion, so I guess it is no different. Wow. I am defending her. I guess pigs are flying, or am I watching Dumbo. Damn you, Danny Devito, the things I will do for you.


Did Kendall Jenner forget how to walk up stairs?
May 23rd, 2022 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kendall and Kylie Jenner were in Italy for their oldest sister’s wedding to Travis Barker.

However, the model was not prepared for the elements. She wore a long dress that was so tight, she couldn’t walk up the stairs like a normal person. Since Kylie is your average little sister, she filmed Kendall making a fool of herself and posted it on social media.

For once, we have a reason to laugh at a Kardashian with their approval. The other times they don’t give us their permission even though it is so easy. I mean, what was up with Kourtney Kardashian’s wedding dress. She looked like a hooker marrying her pimp in a ’90s movie.


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