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How does Nicole Kidman stay so young?
December 5th, 2007 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: 1 ]

What is Nicole Kidman's secret? It is not botox, but her wax figure at Madame Tussauds. That wax figure is so lifelike it is scary

Nicole Kidman suffered a miscarriage when she first married Tom Cruise
September 4th, 2007 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Nicole Kidman said that she suffered two miscarriages with Tom Cruise according to the Daily Mail. The first was when she first married Tom Cruise and the second when he dumped her.

"From the minute Tom and I were married, I wanted to have babies," she said.

"And we lost a baby early on, so that was really very traumatic. And that's when it came that we would adopt Bella.

"My mother has an adopted sister, so it's been part of our family and I knew it would probably play out somewhere in mine. I didn't think it would happen so early but it did."

She said of her desire to have baby: "I'm yearning to have one. I think I would be very sad if I wasn't able to have a baby. Keith knows I want one and he has been getting there slowly."

"My husband really wants a couple of years, he said, 'where I just have you'. It's kind of romantic. It's really honest. So as a woman I sort of hear that loud and clear and go, 'OK, I get that'."

Hopefully she will convince Keith sooner rather than later because I think she will make a great mother. Shame that she suffered two miscarriages, I feel for any woman that even goes through one.



Keith Urban denied entry to Nicole Kidman’s movie set
May 31st, 2007 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

A security guard who did not who Keith Urban was, told him he was not allowed on to the set of Nicole Kidman's movie Australia according to The Daily Telegraph. After he remained persistent with her about getting on the set she told him to shove off and get a life. Finally she got on the two-way with her boss, who then knocked his hip out of joint rushing to personally escort Urban to the set. The security guard was not fired, so her mom bought her a bunch of tabloids and educated her daughter on who is who so that would not happen again. When she saw a picture of Hugh Jackman she got all excited and said, "Hey, that guy walked me past me about 10 times today'." How did she miss all the coverage of their wedding last year, I thought that was the biggest weddings to happen in Australia in a long time. At least they don't have to worry about her being star struck, she doesn't even know who they are. 

(photo from The Sydney Morning Herald


Is Nicole Kidman jealous of Katie Holmes?
May 16th, 2007 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from TomKat Crazy)
According to OK! Magazine Nicole Kidman does not like that Katie Holmes is getting closer to her kids that she adopted with Tom Cruise. A friend of hers told the magazine, “Nicole is being very firm about the fact that these are her kids, not Katie’s,” She said that she Nicole has been persistent with Tom that she spend more time with the kids and she is getting her wish. Both of her kids recently visited her in Australia and while Isabella was there she added blue stripes to her hair. I can't say I blame her for wanting to see her kids and they need some time away from their dad too.

Tom Cruise is not going to like this…
May 6th, 2007 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Within hours of visiting her mother Nicole Kidman, Isabella Cruise got a new hair-do which included blue streaks according to The Sunday Telgraph. You know that when Tom Cruise sees this he is going to see red and not blue.
There are rumors that Isabella wants to live with her mom and I wonder if this new look is just another form of rebellion against her dad?

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