Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Justin Timberlake
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Wow! Cameron Diaz smiles around Justin Timberlake
June 8th, 2007 under Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

That is until he touches her…
I bet Cameron Diaz can't wait to stop promoting Shrek 3, so she can stop seeing Justin Timberlake and having to be civil around him.  

Did Justin Timberlake diss Britney Spears?
June 7th, 2007 under Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

Justin Timberlake reworked the lyrics of some songs at some recent shows, and by the way he reworked them people are wondering if he is talking about Britney Spears according to In Touch Weekly. The first song is Amy Winehouse’s Rehab and he changed the lyrics to say, “They tried to make her go to rehab and she said no no no.” The second song is Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy and he changed them to be, “I think she’s crazy… I remember when, I remember when she lost her mind.” If that is what Justin was doing, that is some FUS*. But then again this is a guy who posed in a magazine shaving his head shortly after she did. No wonder Cameron Diaz can’t stop smiling these days.
*F()cked Up Sh!t


Justin Timberlake had an argument in a hotel?
June 3rd, 2007 under Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from Gabby Babble
A romantic evening in Manchester was destroyed for Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel after he got into an argument with someone at their hotel according to the Daily Mail. A source told the paper, "Justin left Jessica at the bar while he went to fetch something from their room but when he came back he had a cut above his eye and was in a foul mood. He told Jessica that some guy staying on the same floor had started hurling abuse, so he'd given him a shove. But the guy threw a bottle of Coke down the corridor at him, hitting him square above the eye." They added that Timberlake spent the rest night in a grumpy mood. If he would've just let it go he could've had a fun night with Jessica Biel instead of a grumpy one. 

Justin Timberlake is a nose picker
April 16th, 2007 under Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

In a recent interview Justin Timberlake admitted he likes to pick his nose, but fear not he doesn't eat what he picks according to Female First.  "I pick my nose and I'm not ashamed to admit it. If there's a bogey there then just pick it man!" Can someone please explain his appeal to me because I just don't get it?

Justin Timberlake working with Madonna?
April 10th, 2007 under Justin Timberlake, Madonna. [ Comments: none ]

The Sun Bizarre is reporting that Justin Timberlake is working with Madona on her new album, and I think Bizarre is the best way to put it. Justin confirmed the collaboration to The Sun, “I have been working on some new music. But it’s not for myself — I’m writing for other people. I’m working on some stuff for Madonna.” Shouldn't Madonna be writing for him and not the other way around? 

Madonna is also working with the other Timber, Timbaland and Pharrell Williams. Her album will be mix of hip-hop and other genres, “It’s not all hip-hop though, there are a lot of producers from a lot of genres in there. It could be her most ambitious project yet.” I have to admit, I am curious to hear her upcoming CD because with Madonna you never know what you are going to get!

(photo from People


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