Justin Timberlake was honored with the Harvard University’s Hasty Pudding Award and that means he gets a cheap a$$ drag makeover. Which basically means they put a crappy wig, an oversized bra and some overdone makeup on him. And you know what, he makes one ugly female. But who knows maybe with a little more work, done by Emerson students as compared to Harvard ones he might be someone’s pretty bitch?
Emily Blunt was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama, but the news wasn’t all happy for her. According to WENN she was left embarrassed because of a snide remark that Justin Timberlake made after he announced her to name to her fiance’ John Krasinski who was also announcing the noms. The singer said to The Office star after he read Emily’s name, “Ho, ho, ho, somebody is going to have a good night tonight.” Emily didn’t watch the announcement live and was horrified by Timberlake’s comments when she saw it later. She said, “My make-up artist sent me a text as I was sitting getting my hair done on set, so I found out that way. But when I saw that (footage with Timberlake), I was like, ‘His (Krasinski) mother has to watch that!'” I can’t blame her for being upset by his comments, they were uncalled for and went on too long. How we would like it if someone said that to him after they announced that Jessica Biel was nominated for some prestigious award. Oh wait we have seen her acting that is never going to happen.
To Emily, don’t worry about John’s mom she knows what Justin did at a Super Bowl game to Janet Jackson, so she won’t be taking him seriously. She is just happy her future daughter-in-law got a Golden Globe nomination and she can brag about it to all of her friends, “My future daughter-in-law got a Golden Globe nomination and what has yours done lately???”
Last night Justin Timberlake was on Saturday Night Live and Andy Samberg and him did a sequel to their Emmy winning song D!ck in a Box, Motherlover. I have to admit the only time I laugh at Andy Samberg is when he works with Justin Timberlake ad vice versa. I wonder what these two will next together.
BTW Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers!
Here is the first video from The Lonely Island’s CD and it is called Jizz In My Pants. The name of the album that is coming out on February 10th is Incredibad and I so agree with that! The Lonely Island is made up of Saturday Night Livers Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone and I hope they stick with the show.
Here is something postive, see if you can spot Justin Timberlake in the video in a look that suits his personality!
via ONTD
Justin Timberlake out danced in Beyonce last night on Saturday Night Live. That spoof was d!ck in a box, but it definitely was a bunch of d!cks in a leotard.