Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jonas Brothers
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I am a sucker for Joe Jonas’ abs
March 21st, 2021 under Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Joe Jonas is a new dad. And now we know he does not have the dad bod, far from it.

We also know, thanks to Julie Bowen, that he does not put the toilet seat down. You would think, since his wife was on Game of Thrones, that he would know no better. We have seen what happened when she gets pissed. Imagine how pissed she would be if her butt fell into some piss.


Nick Jonas eats a cheeseburger like its Priyanka Chopra
March 15th, 2021 under Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

Nick Jonas shared a video of him eating a cheeseburger, and I think he was having an orgasm. Then again, the right hamburger does that to me too.


This is the closest Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra will get to an Oscar nom
March 10th, 2021 under Jonas Brothers, Oscars, Priyanka Chopra. [ Comments: 1 ]

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra have some big news to share. No, they are not pregnant. No, they are not getting a divorce. So what is it? They are going to announce the Oscar nominations on Monday morning at 5:19a.

It is an interesting decision because when I think of Oscar movies, I think of them. No, I don’t. Have either of them been in a movie that was even close to getting an Oscar nom? Razzies, yes. Oscars, no.

If they wanted couples, why not go with Oscar winners Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones?

This makes no sense to me. Just like having an Academy Awards this year doesn’t make sense.


Nick Jonas is sexier when he takes it off
February 27th, 2021 under Jonas Brothers, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Nick Jonas is hosting and performing on Saturday Night Live tonight. To promote his appearance, he did the silhouette challenge.

I never knew how sexy he was until he took off his shirt while being lit by a red light. Forget what The Police said; he needs to put on the red light.


Nick Jonas or Randolph Mantooth?
February 2nd, 2021 under Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]


In a split second, Nick Jonas goes from being 28 to the same age as his wife, Priyanka Chopra. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Anyways, the singer is digitally altered to look like a senior citizen for Dexcom’s Super Bowl ad. What is Dexcom? It is the next generation of glucose monitoring for people with diabetes like Jonas.

Back to AARP Jonas, he looks just like Randolph Mantooth. Isn’t that the best name in showbiz? Don’t know who he is? Google him; he is as sexy as his name.

To see the full commercial before Sunday, then click here!


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