Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jerry Springer
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What will we do without Jerry Springer?
June 14th, 2018 under Jerry Springer. [ Comments: 1 ]

Remember when you were home sick from school or work, there was nothing to watch so you watched The Jerry Springer Show? It was like a train wreck you could not look away from because the guests are train wrecks. It is why we loved it!

Well after 27 years and a movie, daytime’s greatest show might be no more. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the talk show was not picked up for another season, so The CW decided to save it. Good news, so why did I say the show might not be anymore? Because they only are airing the repeats. The CW has the option to pick up more episodes, but as of now they have not ordered them.

Don’t they know the world needs this to make it a better place? Because no matter how bad things are, it is not as bad as the guests on Jerry Springer. Am I right? #SaveJerrySpringer


A talk show fan’s wet dream, Jerry Springer and Sally Jesse Raphael
July 7th, 2017 under Jerry Springer, Sally Jessy Raphael, Wet dream. [ Comments: 2 ]

Back in the ’80s and ’90s, Jerry Springer and Sally Jesse Raphael were two of biggest talk show hosts on television. Now 20 years later, the two of them met up and took this photo together. Which has me wishing that since he still has his show on the, he asks her to co-host with him. Could you imagine? They could tag team psycho-analyze the guests. It would be the best thing to happen to talk shows since the start of talk shows. Don’t you agree?


Jerry Springer drops on the mic on Donald Trump supporters!
October 8th, 2016 under Donald Trump, Jerry Springer. [ Comments: none ]

Not only is Jerry Springer a talk show host, he is also a former Politician. Today, he commented on this Presidential election and I raise a chair to him. His brilliantly Tweeted out, “Lots of people ask where I get the guests for my show. The answer is Trump Tower.”
If you don’t get that, then most likely you are woman who is still voting for Trump after what he said yesterday. Not only did he degrade us, he also said it is also OK for a women to be kissed by a stranger and have him grab her pussy because they are using their fame to do so. You also might not get it because you are Religious person who believes it is OK to break the, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” Commandment. Not only did he say he tried to have sex with a married woman, the married man said that he wanted to kiss another woman who was also married at the time. Can we say hypocrites? Finally, if you don’t get it, then you are voting for him.


Jerry Springer sinks to a new high with a Lesbian Stripper Threesome!
January 21st, 2013 under Jerry Springer, Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

Jerry Springer has had some interesting (how else would you put it) topics on his show and I think he might’ve topped himself with a Lesbian Stripper Threesome episode. That’s right the three most beautiful words to a guy’s ears are combined to make up the title for today’s Jerry Springer show. Stripper Terry needs to decide between her two female roommates who also strip, so she went on the talk show for Jerry’s help. Watch the video all the way through for an ending that will make boys very happy!
I am sure this episode will be DVRed and re-watched by many many men over and over and over again until they need a new DVR. Don’t you agree?


Jerry Springer announces he’s running for President!
November 5th, 2012 under Jerry Springer, Politics. [ Comments: none ]

Jerry Springer announced that he is running for President of the United States and all I have to say is Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!
Seriously I wish he would run because imagine how much fun it would be. The cabinet members would wear a lot less clothes. Leaders would literally fight it out and the secret service would break it up. Actually he is a really good negotiator, so he probably would bring peace to the world.
Sadly though he wasn’t born in the US, so this a dream that will never come true. Maybe Maury would consider a run for the White House, at least then we would know who everyone’s father is!


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