Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jeremy Piven
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Jeremy Piven’s dad was Uncle Ben!
August 5th, 2011 under Jeremy Piven, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Jeremy Piven was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and he told the ABC host that his father played the famous River Boat Captain in the Uncle Ben’s Rice commercial back in the ’70s and ’80s. I can understand why as a teen he would be embarrassed, but I think it would be cool to have him in my own personal Entourage.
Take a look at one of the commercials his father Byrne starred in and see if you can notice the resemblance. I think it is as obvious as white on rice.


Jeremy Piven splits during an interview with David Letterman!
July 21st, 2011 under David Letterman, Jeremy Piven. [ Comments: none ]

Jeremy Piven was on The Late Show and he told David Letterman he used to dance “The Worm” in the late ’80s when he had his original full head of hair. Well I added the last part! Anyways the CBS host told him to show him his move to him and he said he had to warm up. Well the Entourage star stood up and then he did a split. I am a girl and even I don’t know how he did it? I mean does he have such small balls and a bat that that didn’t hurt him. You know the expression that the bigger the d!ck a man appears to be, the smaller his d!ck really is? Well I am wondering if that is the case because he does such a good job playing Ari Gold.


Jeremy Piven gets pulled over while doing a live radio interview!!!
April 9th, 2011 under Jeremy Piven. [ Comments: none ]

Sophie Monk was doing a radio interview in her native Australia when the host of 2DayFM asked Sophie to call someone random on her phone and they would try to guess who it was. Well she called Jeremy Piven and what they didn’t know he was driving in Beverly Hills at the time. Here is Los Angeles it is against the law to talk on the cell phone and drive and as luck would have it a cop saw him breaking the law. So he pulled over the Entourage star and proceeded to give him a ticket. Since a Piven is a lot like Ari Gold, he remained on the phone with the station while the cop wrote him a hefty ticket. The Emmy winner never revealed how much it was for, but Jackie O agreed to pay the fine.
It was a costly call for the 2DayFM, but they are sure getting a lot of worldwide attention for it. So I guess it was worth it for all involved!
BTW I wonder if Piven told Monk to lose his number after this???


BTWF roles: Jeremy Piven in Elvis Stories
December 2nd, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Elvis Presley, Jeremy Piven. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Jeremy Piven was selling actors on Entourage, he was selling Elvis Patties in Elvis Stories. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1989 short, except that he has more hair now…


Spot the really old guy!
July 7th, 2010 under Jeremy Piven. [ Comments: none ]

Jeremy Piven Tweeted this picture of his “last day on set with some Hebrew school kids!” Looking at the 44 year old Entourage star with all of those boys makes him look even olden than he normally looks. And you know what I think he normally looks older than his age as it is. Maybe it is his hair that does it for or possibly it could be a side effect from when he had mercury poisoning? Oh wait I think he looked just as old as he does now when he did PCU. I hate to admit it, but that was a good movie and he was actually funny in that film.


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