Several actors from Saturday Night Live went from the small screen to the big one. Yesterday on Jeopardy, the game show did a whole category dedicated to the roles of those Not Ready for Primetime Players.
It is pretty easy if you know SNL and the people who came from it. If you don’t, then you are not alone. That is because two of the contestants didn’t even try to guess any of the answers.
Oliver Hudson was watching Jeopardy when suddenly he heard a familiar name on the game show. Who was it? It was him. And the game show wanted to know who his mama is?
As soon as I saw that, he took a photo of his TV screen, sent it to his mama, and said, “Look Ma!! I made it!!!” Yes, he has made it! Because they could’ve used his sister, Kate Hudson, instead of him, but they didn’t. That is because she is almost famous and he is fully famous.
Oh, in case you want to know what the answer is, it is “Who is Goldie Hawn?”
Jeopardy has been on the air for so long that they need to come up with creative ways to give out the clues in the categories. So yesterday, they added a new category (at least I assume so) called Picture The Song.
It is really easy. Instead of using words, the producers use a picture to describe the title of a song. For example, the first one was a picture of a stairway going up into the heavens. What single do you think that is? Of course, it is Led Zepplin’s Stairway to Heaven.
How well did you do with the rest of the clues?
And what I want to know is when they are going to turn this into a card game? I would totally play this with my friends on game night. I mean, how many times can we play Cards Against Humanity? What is, never enough?
Jeopardy loves dogs so much that they gave the canines their own category. How well do the contestants know man’s best friend? Much better than I did. But I am a cat lady, not a crazy one, according to my cat.