How many people does it take to make Jennifer Garner award show ready? |
January 20th, 2020 under Jennifer Garner. [ Comments: none ]

We have all heard that celebrities have glam teams to make them look pretty for awards shows and such, but how many people make up that team? In the case of Jennifer Garner, there are four people are making sure every inch of her is perfect, including her cleavage. No one starts to see her shiny cleavage at the Golden Globe Awards!
Caption Jennifer Garner! |
November 29th, 2019 under Caption the Celeb, Jennifer Garner. [ Comments: none ]

This montage of photos of Jennifer Garner has caption me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.
Jennifer Garner lost her car in a parking garage |
November 21st, 2019 under Jennifer Garner. [ Comments: none ]
Let’s be honest, we have all parked a car in a garage and forgot where it was? Well, we are not alone, Jennifer Garner did it too. The actress shared a video of her spending almost 13 going on over 30 minutes looking for her automobile in a one-story parking lot. Why couldn’t she find it? She thought it was parked in Y, but it turns out she was F’ed. Who hasn’t done it?
Normally, I say I am living that Seinfeld episode, but now I will say I am doing a Jennifer Garner.
I will never write a negative thing about Jennifer Garner again |
April 29th, 2019 under Jennifer Garner. [ Comments: none ]
Jennifer Garner might look all cute and innocent with those deep dimples, but if you put an axe in her hand it is a whole other story. The actress showed off her axe throwing her skills and she was almost always was close to hitting the bullseye.
I guess she learned a thing or two on Alias and I never want to find out what else she took away from the show because she is pretty scary with an axe. Are you scared of her?
Did Jennifer Garner really turn 47 today? |
April 18th, 2019 under Are they really their age?, Jennifer Garner. [ Comments: none ]

Today is Jennifer Garner’s 47th birthday and she shared a makeup free Selfie. Looking at the birthday girl au naturel, she looks more like she is going on 13 as compared to 30 let alone 3 years from turning 50. Those Neutrogena skin products really are working for her.
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