Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jeff Goldblum
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Did Jeff Goldblum grab Conan O’Brien’s little Coco?
October 19th, 2012 under Conan O'Brien, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

Jeff Goldblum was a guest on Conan and he told Conan O’Brien he is starting to lose his hair. But wait he appears to have a thick head of beautiful hair. That’s because he isn’t balding up there, but down there…on his calves. So he decided to show off his sexy leg for the world to see how bald it is becoming. The TBS late night host couldn’t help but notice the difference in color of their two legs and asked for a side by side comparison. Once The Fly’s leg was on top of his, Goldblum did something that made the red head afraid, very afraid. He appeared to grab his crotch and I can’t help but to think that both of them liked it from their reactions. What do you think happened in that split second?


Jeff Goldblum went to a house of prostitution when he was just 13
February 14th, 2012 under Jeff Goldblum, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Jeff Goldblum was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and he told the host a story about the time he went to a house of prostitution when he just was 13 years old. That’s right when he was barely a teen and had just hit puberty he wanted to know what it was like to be with a woman so he went to a brothel. But that wasn’t the only rebellious thing he did that day, he also took money from his dad’s wallet to pay for the woman that was going to take his virginity. So did he go through it or was he afraid, very afraid? You have to watch the jazz singing actor tell the whole story to find out.


Jeff Goldblum’s case is closed
August 3rd, 2010 under Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

Jeff Goldblum has decided to leave Law & Order: Criminal Intent after 2 seasons. According to what his rep told Variety “‘due to the uncertainty’ surrounding the show’s future.” I wonder if his decision saved the show because I am sure without his high salary production will be cheaper or if his decision killed the show because he was the big name. We shall see…


BTWF roles: Jeff Goldblum in Death Wish
June 30th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jeff Goldblum was rumored to be dead, he had a Death Wish. How weird is it to see the 21 year old with all that hair (kind of like Sanjaya’s) in his first movie back in 1974 as Freak #1!


Jeff Goldblum accepts that he really is dead
June 30th, 2009 under Comedy Central, Jeff Goldblum, Not Dead. [ Comments: none ]

Last week there was story from Global Associated News was heard all over the world reporting that the Earth Girls Are Easy star Jeff Goldblum had fallen 60′ to his death in New Zealand. His publicist immediately squashed the rumor with a statement saying The Fly did not die and he was still alive. That wasn’t good enough to prove that he wasn’t going through The Big Chill, so he made an appearance on Comedy Central’s Colbert Nation to prove that he would still be around to light fireworks on Independence Day. But by the end of his appearance he accepted the fact that he had gone to the big Jurassic Park in the sky.
Seriously if Jeff Goldblum did more funny stuff like that, I would actually watch his movies and TV shows. So on that note, don’t forget to watch him on USA’s Law & Order: Criminal Intent every Sunday at 9p for his final episodes since he is no longer with us. Oh and he is also filming Morning Glory with Diane Keaton who almost joined him yesterday after an on-set accident.
On a non-Jeff Goldblum note, Stephen Colbert is such a freaking genius!!! How brilliant was that bit?
Finally if you see any stories from Global Associated News about a death of a celebrity dying in some horrific way, don’t believe it because the site allows you to create fakes news stories.


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