Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jay Leno
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Jay Leno actually walks really well in high heels!
June 21st, 2013 under Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Harvey Firestein was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and in honor of his appearance Jay Leno wore his pair of Kinkny Boots that Cyndi Lauper gave him. Not only did the NBC late night host put them on, he also walked over to greet Firestein in them. At first I was shocked to see him in high heels, but then I was even more shocked by how comfortable he was walking in them. Not many men could walk so easily like that in high heeled boots. So I have to wonder why is he able to do so? Is that something he does quite frequently when he is not on the show? Is it easier to drive one of his many cars in boots like that as compared to sneakers? I want to know?
BTW I loved his Tom Cruise diss, but I don’t think the actor will feel the same way as I did!


The purrfect gift for home owners with a dog!
June 14th, 2013 under Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Are you sick of having to wake up early to walk your dog and wish there was a way your best friend could do it themselve. Well now thanks to the Pet Zipline as seen on The Tonight Show, your furry buddy will be able to do just that. Just attach the pup to zipline and let them go…literally! And the best part is you can have it run over those neighbors’ houses you can stand. It’s a new way to tell them that they are a sh!t!
So run out and buy the Pet Zipline today, you doggie will be thanking you for it and you will be thanking your doggie for letting you sleep!


His parents are there for him no matter what, unless he does that to them!
June 13th, 2013 under Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on The Tonight Show Jay Leno had audience members show videos of themselves pranking the person they were with. The first one was funny, but nothing that great! The second one was funny and something that would be fun to do to someone. But the third one was the best. A kid told his parents that he knocked up his girlfriend. Well you have to watch happens next because it will have laughing so hard, you will pee in your pants. That is great prank for the ages, if you parents are cool as his.


Anthony Weiner’s mayoral ad was the joke of late night!
May 23rd, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Anthony Weiner announced that he is running for mayor of NYC on YouTube and the late night hosts had a field day with it. You might remember he was the US congressman who Tweeted pic of his Weiner, so the fact that he is once again running for office is enough of a joke by itself. So when he posted an ad on YouTube Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon all did their takes on his announcement on their shows yesterday, while Jay Leno just made a joke about it in his monologue. Making his YouTube video even funnier than he intended it to be.
When it comes to how I ranked the bits, they are in the order I posted them. Which was your favorite?


Weight Grater needs a full infomercial!
May 15th, 2013 under Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Jay Leno had another segment of WINnovations on The Tonight Show and I want to see a full informercial for the Weight Grater. It is the least sh!tty invention I have seen in a while even though… Just watch the video and you will see why I think it would be so much fun to watch it in the middle of the night when you can’t sleep.


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